- Sunflowers
- Oh so pretty
- Peas for feed
- I followed for three kilometers and never found the end of these fields.
- Babushka is as least 85 years old and hualing chicken feed to her home.
- Still working on tying up and keep potatoes so I can walk and work on them.
Had to restock on some basic foods and gather some home supplies. The Big Village was busy and I was glad to get home. I stopped and checked out several fields as I drove home and even tried to find the end of some fields. The road got too bad and I had to turn around after 3 km, yet the fields kept going and going…
I just think sunflowers are so beautiful!
The opposite side of the main road I use has wheat fields forever this year. Going to be a bumper crop year for grains and such…
Well, it is time to get busy….up at 3 a.m.; I already worked on the potatoes, washed clothes, washed dishes, hauled water and cleaned the kitchen area. Now it is time to get to work…
PS: Babushkas are damn tough in Russia. They seem to be another breed of woman, my grandma was like this. I think that coming from depression times like my grandma was and from a life that has more hardship, like this Babushka….they do not ever, ever, ever act helpless and ask for help. The Big Village is full of Babushka like this lady…
We need to all get like this and stop whining about molehills & climb the mountains that get in our way…