The Tiny Russian Village Monastery is getting a new roof put on the building they use as a church. These are the guys who shoveled their way to the village the other day…
- Morning found the roof gone!
- Then they came…
- Then they built…
- Oops, not a roof! 🙂
-10 below zero and they work. Drink lots of hot tea and work…
* * * * *
Svetochka comes tonight. We are not sure about how she will get from the train station to here yet? But Plan A is Vova and I will go get her in his Niva. Plan B is Someone can bring her to the walk bridge at our river and I meet her on foot. Plan C is I walk to meet her at the main highway and she definitely can get to that spot… (Plan C is one rough trip!)
No matter what we will get her here to the Tiny Russian Village…
Boza and I are excited…
Our most favorite girl in the whole wide world is coming and she said someone from Britain sent me a package. I wonder what it is?