- For me?
- It is from Britain!
- Pudding
- My (Our) stash of goodies!
- Time for play…
- Wait! What about play!
- Oh yes play time…
- Yes the family is all here
- Play time
- Just a walking…
- The bridge…
- Walking home…
Yesterday was a good day…
Svetochka worked hard and helped me to stack some wood. She also took lots of pictures and her and Boza walked all over the place. I got a break from the walking Boza thingy!
We worked in the yard and the whole family was there. Svetochka, Boza, the birdbrains and I!
I got a gift from the UK…
In an article a month or so ago. I mentioned that I could not find Candy Canes in Russia! These are not an item that Russians really know about. It is something that eluded me since I came to Russia…
Well! A reader of our WtR from Birmingham, UK solved that problem and even added a few extra Christmas puddings and a cake! I have not seen these items for many years now and believe you me, I had a peppermint candy cane and when done I said, “That was the best candy cane I have ever had!” — “Sigh!”
The pudding and the cake will wait for Christmas eve and day…
Svetochka in true form of a Russian was polite about the piece of candy cane I gave her, “It is okay!” She said…. I could tell that peppermint was too strong for her tastes (Thus why I broke a small piece off of mine and let her try it,) but I really think she will like the other flavors in the box. We got a box pf peppermint and a box of mixed, with different flavors. Those will be smoother in taste. But, I am a peppermint nut, so I get all the real candy canes… 🙂
I have to get the persons e-mail address and send a thank you, but if they read this article? They will know who they are and I will say this, “Thank you very much! This gift has to rank with the greatest gifts I have ever gotten! Life is a Peppermint Candy Cane…..”
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You have heard me say, “Life is the little things!” or something close to that!
I also can not wait to tear into the Christmas Puddings and Cake. Oh my girlish figure will suffer!
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Well if it comes from me then you probably know about what I am thinking? If you have any inkling of what is happening in America? Then you know what I am going to say is true…
I have never seen a country self destruct as bad as America is doing right now. It is a controlled self destruct of magnanimous proportions. there is a war waging within the government of the USA and the only reason we do not understand the scope of the mountain before us, is the clouds called media obscuring the view…
Russia self destructed in the recent past. Many countries have and they all went through hell! But if someone does not get the reins on the situation in the US, with the most massive power struggle in the history of the earth, then I hope the earth is still a viable place to live, once the spoiled moronic idiots are done with their coup games of grandeur…
People! There has to be ten to twelve different factions going at each other on the administrative level of the government in America! Though they are all scared of the “we the people” and are passing regulations to destroy what abilities we have to freely communicate…
The power struggle is amazing and is so flagrantly visible at this point, that we need to organize the chaos that has become procured as normal in a sedimentary society. I swear that America does not have safe spaces just in colleges, but, also the whole country has become a safe space for the mindless souls living there… Seriously, do you look around yourself and really look at the people around you?
America is a mass of narcissists and they all want their treats and have it their way…
When are we going to look in the mirror and study ourselves, instead of looking out the window and seeing who we can pick on for the day?
You may not be one of those! But you know many and they are prevalent throughout society and have reached overflowing numbers…. Between the Napoleon Wannabees, the political correctives, the spelling Nazis, the busybodies, the nosy-bodies, the head up the dandies $$$ and god forbid the Churchies of the crème de la crème. We are looking at 60% of the populace of almost the whole world in some form and America is leading the way to glorified resplendence…
Are we sure that the western moral structure is a good thing?
I wrote several times and many times on this blog, “America is full of wannabee Napoleons and Hitlers!”
Metaphorically speaking…
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I received a donation with this statement attached…
It my conviction that many people would appreciate it if you could work on an autobiography in which you chronicle the spiritual decline of America. You are one of the last remaining Americans in spirit and therefore you understand the subject matter at gut level.
I have been doing some thinking about this statement and will most likely do much more thinking about this statement…
How to do such a task?
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Do you ever ask yourself why we are so destructive and yet at the same time we show the ability to have compassion? But the compassion seems to be self serving at most times and we have no consistency in our motives and actions…