- My mess…
- Winter firewood…
- Getting there…
- Wood chips as fire starter…
I always think of the “The Ant and the Grasshopper – Aesop’s Fables!”
I think about how easy it is to be the grasshopper and ignore what is coming, just for the pleasures of the moment. I have decided that we can still have the pleasures and get things done, I just pace myself and do both. Though yesterday, Boza decided that I had not done enough walking and after he pushed on me, we walked a two hour walk just for him…
I guess Tuesday when I go to town, I will get another blue barrel, I have enough wood chips to fill another barrel and they make great fire starters in the fireplace. I want to keep a blue barrel full of water up until the last non freezing days. The water is used for many things around the village home and I need it…
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I got up at 3:45 a.m., the moon was incredible as I walked Boza. It was six degrees out. It is so strange to think that just a few months ago, the sun would have been up already and now it comes up around 5:30 a.m.!
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Yesterday, we had a huge storm blow in and many trees around the area suffered some damage. The neighbors home below us, had a huge limb break and was still hanging on to the tree. I looked at it and realized that if another wind came along, the huge broken limb would split the main tree trunk in half and then it would hit the house and power lines. I grabbed the chainsaw and made quick work of the tree limb and saved the tree…
Then I started to look around me and realized that everyone is gone…
There is four of us in the village right now. In a few more weeks, there will be just two of us. A lady on top the hill near the monastery and me toward the bottom of the hill. The weather has driven everyone away and Vova is running to his new flame and spending the nights all cuddly as he puts it. Vova says that he will spend the winter snuggled as a bug in a rug… 🙂
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I just dug up more potatoes and Vova gave me a bunch more potatoes, I guess I need to get these potatoes in storage. I could hear the sound in Sveta’s voice as she thought about all the dishes I could create with these potatoes, when she came to visit. I do hope that in the January Holidays, that Sveta can come and stay for two weeks. I promise to keep the home warm for her with extra firewood…
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As I walked yesterday, I was trying to figure out why humans are the way they are. I guess somewhere, someway and some reason, the great genetic experiment called Humans, on the planet Earth, has failed. Humans have to be an experiment, because, we do not fit the mold of Earth’s creatures…
We do not work with nature, we try to play god, we hate, we kill for sport, we rape the earth of resources and the list goes on. All the while, we have a miracle planet to live on, a planet that is among the prime living quarters in the Universe…
The issue and truth is that we are insufficient carnivores, we are insufficient herbivores and we are insufficient omnivores! We are simply parasitic on the planet and thus, that is why my thinking spins toward; we are an experiment and placed upon this planet to see what happens. Sounds stupid and dumb, and why would anyone or thing waste a perfect planet with such parasites?
We live beyond our means and one day the debt will be due. I am not talking about the financial debt, that is actual just part of the parasitism. Humans have lost the ability to see that we have to create a balance with nature and God. We have become that “God” in our eyes and that is a failing of huge proportions for the moral structure of the world…
Have a nice day! I have to go, for George the Birdbrain, one of our last baby monster birds, is screeching at me. I would image his birdbath is almost dry and he wants to take a bath. He is that way… 😉
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…
PS: I am getting ready to get birdseed and make some bird feeders for these left over monster birds. I have a beautiful female “Song Thrush” in the cherry trees and “George the Nightingale” on the other side of the home. They ignore each other… Oh, and we have a hundred sparrows…