At 5:30 a.m. it was 10 degrees above zero and the breeze drifted the fresh air into the house, at a leisurely pace. The sun poked its head up and I saw a moon that was simply huge and realized that this moon was a “SuperMoon” that comes around once in awhile. Tonight I will get images of it with my big camera, if the clouds are clear, for it popped below the horizon, before I could even get the camera this morning. That is how it does up North here…
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- Boza is being watched…
- Mamma and Papa…
- Beautiful…
- Dead stop in air, floating…
- Circling…
- Story behind this…
Images; Boza is always watched carefully as he runs around, by the local animals. Boza just loves to chase cats, but he knows to never chase chickens, but the chicken is helping the cat keep an eye out on the mean dog…
The eagles are active and I finally caught mamma and papa together…
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The tree is interesting to me; the tree lives in a yard of a long time resident of the village. He broke his leg at the beginning of the summer and I mean he broke it terribly bad. Snapped and bone through the skin. I know he is not doing well still and has been gone all summer. His family is watching him and they have come several times to care for his place. But I noticed today, that a tree that had been fully green at the beginning of the summer is half dead. It simply died in the last month and withered like it had been dead for a long time. I know better and it struck me this morning, that maybe he was not doing well at all. I suspect that we will not see him again in the village, for he was a hardcore alcoholic and that is what led to his accident…
I today, associated the half dead tree in his yard, with his situation and as I walked past today, a chill struck me and it centered from his home. I have learned to heed such instances and I worry about him…
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I am already starting to acclimate to the changing weather, Boza is getting a heavy fur coat and I am getting tougher by the day. I have forced myself to strengthen my right hand and arm. This is the arm I have talked about, that due to heart attacks, it was weakened a bunch. It is now as strong as my left and maybe stronger due to coordination issues. I can now lift my heaviest buckets full of water without shaking, by either arm straight out from my body. Yesterday, I held both buckets up full of water and did not shake. This is what I mean about getting healed in the village…
I weighed the buckets full of water to the rim and they weigh 45 lbs each. While that is nothing compared to my younger years, it is a great step forward from my heart attack years and I will take what I can get… 😉
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Sveta and I bought this wonderful device for me to use in the winter. It has a water storage tank on top, which heats the water and can be used to wash dishes and or wash hands, face and such. We also bought a mirror, so that I can stay pretty looking… 🙂
I am looking forward to winter, it will be cold, so I am gathering firewood now. The neighbor said that it takes 4 cube of wood (about a cord,) to heat the home for the winter. I have about that right now, so any that I add will be icing on the cake…
I am already stacking the wood along the fence line and will be setting up my inside supply to last me several days for emergencies and such. Sveta is checking about the free wood given to locals, they are supplied with 4 cubes a year, by the local government. To be honest with you, that is really wonderful that they do this for the locals and I find that many things are done that way in Russia. Basics such as heating and energy are a given for the people and not a burden. That makes a huge difference in life. Be nice if I could get a 4 cube of wood…
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Well gotta run, have to stack firewood (drova in Russian,) then I have a bunch of firewood to bring from the back of the house to the side yard, so I am busy…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…