Remember George?
- Mommy Shrike…
- The eggs…
- Dinner for mommy…
George is at our new place and getting ready to have little Georges and Georgettes….same George and he is very tolerant of us humans, but his wife is not very happy about us. She did not grow up in the other yard and has reservations about these huge ugly monsters that cut trees and grass…
Nevertheless, we found their nest and have cleaned as close as we want to and will go no farther this year. Babies come first and if you follow my blog, you know I love little babies, as I call them, my little birdies…
Mrs. George sits on the nest. George brings food and guards the nest from bad monsters. Sometimes George gets in trouble, like when he wanders away to party and when we come over. He does not see us as a threat and he gets in trouble for not telling us off… Oh Well…
Hard to see mom bird, but she is there and I count four eggs, and the furry remains was a full size mouse impaled upon a tree spike like thorn. That is the way of the Shrike… (I also find it interesting that he brings her food and sets up a buffet for her.)
Remember Shrikes are predators and hunt big game like mice, snakes and huge beetles… 😉
We cleaned out several dead trees and got scolded for getting to close to the nest. But she is happy now and after a few upsetting images, we have left her alone…
- Bell Tower from Nickolas home…
- Front door
- Main gate
Today, Saturday in the Monastery is Nickolas day and the Icon is brought from storage for the winter to the church up top. It is a big deal and already at 4 a.m. people are working around the monastery and getting ready…
Our Village Monastery in Russia – The St. Nicholas Monastery…
Well gotta go…
I have too much to do and I do want to goof off between working times…