Journalism use to retract lies front page, now they retract the truth front page…

Journalism is dead as a door nail in the Western World and on a life support iron lung in the Eastern World…

At one time it was a big deal to have a reputation and professionalism in all jobs and occupations. Thus, when the a newspaper found that they erroneously reported an issue and that issue was not true, they retracted it. They did not act like they never printed it. They corrected the fact, whether they intentionally lied in the first place and or just sloppy journalism is for us to decide in another situation…

This situation that has become the norm in journalism is basically a, “Post/Print what I want and so what if it is a lie!”

If they are forced to retract?

It grudgingly is posted around Grandma’s Recipe section and the Cat Obituary section….if it did not get deleted by Fumble Fingers Malone who delivers coffee to all the ~~ Professional Journalist. ~~


Journalism use to retract lies front page, now they retract the truth front page…