I walk the dog everyday 3 to 4 times because the dog needs it and I need it for my heart. If you read our blog, then you know that I like to post pictures of my walks with the dog (Boza). So today is no different and I thought that I would show you what I see on a 45 minute walk with the dog…
Above – That is a picture on the side of a utility building. That is a standard
Russian washing machine. That is a cool picture and I just wish that kids would not write other things on top of such fantastic paintings….
Above – That is a huge section of Flats and is just about half of the part we live in…
Above – A sidewalk near our Flat…
Above – Just a road leading to our Flat…
Above – This is the woods that we walk in and is part of a huge Hospital…
Above – More boring sidewalk that
Boza and I walk on…
Above – All kinds of shops and businesses line the bottom floor of our buildings with the Flats…
Above – Playgrounds everywhere in Moscow…
Above – This is the playground outside our Flat. Like I said playgrounds everywhere…
Above – To the left is our front door and the handicap ramp. All new buildings have this type of ramp now…
That is all for today and hope everyone has a wonderful week…
Kyle and Svet
Windows to Russia!
comments always welcome.