Last Thoughts of 2014, a Cup of Coffee…

last but not least

Last Thoughts; This post makes five hundred articles for the year 2014. Windows to Russia has 4554 articles as of the writing of this post the 4555th article. I still remember my first one hundred and I was so proud of that accomplishment. Windows to Russia started officially in 2005, it never became a real entity until sometime in 2007, but articles became posted and articles survived from the early era. One of the very first articles was this one May of 2005 – Hundreds of articles were lost over the years in major battles against our wonderful government of transparency. I guess I hit some sore spots in the early eras and the Department of Homeland Security tried to shut me down. Sore spots that I still hit, but I learned how to fight them, but not before they destroyed hundreds of articles and images in their wish to kill Windows to Russia to the last dredges…

It was a multi-year battle and I almost could not win. It was expensive and tiring to say the least. The huge U.S. government using taxpayers resources, to try to squelch a tiny blog such as Windows to Russia. It started when they forced Blogger to shut me down, for I was too political and crass. Then it went from stupid to all out attacks for days on end. They (US) used computers from all over the USA in military bases and other governmental buildings, such as the guard shacks at TSA locations. I burned through hosting companies like a string of firecrackers just lit…

We are no longer tiny, but neither big either, but we have a huge crowd of silent readers. Windows to Russia will top 10,000,000 views this year and over a third of that is China. I have found a new growing readership in China. At the pace that they are growing, it looks like 50% will be Chinese next year, even as the numbers grow in general… – is the number one article of 2014. It has been non stop number one since production. It simply tells it like it is… – is the number two article of 2014. An article on how to cook carp on a grill and after a hundred plus thousand people have visited this article (since my summer of 2014 in the village,) I hope that some enjoyed carp like Sveta and I do in the village…

I have very few commenters, for they learned early on that commenting brought the governmental trolls and that just is not right. We do not need a world being controlled by trolls on the internet. Therefore, I dissipated the trolls after many years of trying to figure out how. Trolls are 99% paid government people to disrupt a website and its functions of getting information out to the public… (To stop them just make a list of thousands of IP’s and block them, it works…)

Who am I? I do not give out who I really am to any detail, I am ageless in a last era of youth on the net and I will not give anyone my true age. I have been in several wars and I have done things for Uncle Sam that ashamed me as I have grown older and see the world for what it truly is. I say to people,”Been there and done that! Never wanna go back to it!”, as dreams haunt me at night. But Sveta just got us a “Dream Catcher” and it works. I have slept soundly since I put it above the head of the bed… (Thanks sweetie!)

Last Thought; I am going to end this last of the year article with this:

 I was never at home in America. I always asked too many questions for people and teachers would even not call on me as I raised my hand to ask something or tell an answer to a question they asked. I never conformed to the norm and even at a young age, I realized that society, reaped what it sowed. I discovered at a young age that I could sense things, and I could see things most could not. This ability carried me through times of death all around me and I have seen much death in my life. Death is not fun when you are not able to understand why we kill. Most men do not live full lives after a war and our country shows all the signs of a war-torn and war-weary society, driven on by warmonger’s who have never walked the battle field…

* * * * * * * * * *

We have made it to 2015 and I have the most wonderful woman in the world next to me. We are planning on going to the largest skating rink in the world, at Red Square and I will take pictures of Sveta skating. She loves to skate and we need to walk this most wonderful city, called Moscow, in Russia. the place this American lives…

Last article of 2014, last thought on paper, and last chance to make a difference, for the old year. Lets hope that 2015 is not our last year on earth and that we have many more, for the earth is a wonderful place to live and travel…

Last but not least; and yes Sveta and Boza say, “Hi!”

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

The copy scores 77.2 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered fairly easy to read…

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.