- Finnally cleared up some as we walked…
- Little mouse running for home…
Boza and I walked and walked yesterday. We got snowed big time as we walked and viability was very poor all day. The lower valley road had been plowed and the sides were three foot deep. Straight up, like the Cliffs of Dover. A little mouse had fallen off this cliff and was stuck in the road. Boza smelled him and I saw him. He was trying to climb the wall of snow and ice. He was a cute thing and much different than the house mice we deal with all the time…
It panicked and tried to burrow down into the snow, as Boza sniffed at him and I dug down under him, snow and all and picked him or her up.I saw it poke its head out of its temporary home and look at me. It stayed calm and I looked from which way it came. I saw that it had come from the river side of the road and I sat him down in the snow on that side. It looked at me for a few seconds and then turned and hopped away…
Then I thought about taking a picture and got the best I could. He decided that since fate was fortunate, he would not hang around to test it…
The reason he could not get out of the road is because the sides of the road are literally solid ice. Plowed, compacted, sight melting and deep freeze. I am sure it looked like Mount Everest to the little guy…
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Hopefully Svetochka will come around the 25th of February. Bear and Boza are wiggling their butt’s and dancing at that news…
- Doggy
- Bear
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I am seeing some bad signs from Trump and his administration! Looks like sell out time. But I expected it; for he will and his family will be assassinated if he does not. That is the American way. I realize that people do know this deep down inside them, or at least the ones who have a brain left. It just is, we do not like to face reality and the reality is that, America is the most corrupt and divisive country in the world. Power corrupts and it has been said well in the past…
John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton/Quotes
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.
Learn as much by writing as by reading.
Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.
The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities.
Liberty is not the power of doing what we like, but the right to do what we ought.
And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that.
Now he had a handle on what is going on. It has always gone on and always will, until, we the people change things and keep a handle on it ourselves…
That will not happen, for amongst those that mean well, are new ones who will corrupt…
Fact Jack… And it is beyond my control, beyond your control and beyond all of our control. Does not mean I do not care! It just means that I have watched power corrupt friends, family and acquaintances. I have reached the point of becoming very tired of people who do not care. We have a world full of these people, they all sellout, they all sell their souls and they all would bury their family for a dollar…
What you gonna do?
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I realized as humans on this earth we are lost…
The average human attention span was 12 seconds in 2000 and 8 seconds in 2013. A drop of 33%. The scary part is that the attention span of a goldfish was 9 seconds, almost 13% more than us humans. That’s why it’s getting tougher by the day to get people to turn the page. Maybe we writers ought to try writing for goldfish! – Ashwin Sanghi
I can only hope that I get a bunch of goldfish reading the blog…. And or maybe in charge of the world governments…
This song makes me want to cry. “You may think I am crazy” – But I do really wish that we could live in a world that did not have oil, no wars, no hate, no pressure. Imagine a world that we help each other and live in peace. Hard to do isn’t it?
That devil gene is hell on us humans…
Imagine there’s no Heaven.
Imagine there’s no Countries.
Imagine all the People
Living for Today….
I look at the roof of our Tiny Russian Village home and see a dream of a bank of solar cells. I imagine no electricity by a meter. The only power I would need is available in plentiful supply, right above my head. Right above your head…
Something that struck me as important; The only animals on earth that ever paid for living here are humans. Animals do not pay a thing, unless humans get hold of them. Then they pay, with their life, with captivity and with existence a a species. Animals unlike the human animal that we are, live in balance with nature. They do not rent a home and or buy a home. They do not sell what is not theirs in the first place. They do not try to kill for pleasure. They simply live on the earth and earth supplies what is needed. The numbers of a given species is balanced into the whole equation…
Then along came man – woman and then the “iPhone…”
In between was some horrific inhuman acts of barbarism and we learned not a damn thing from all that…