Mohammad Ali Died…

Muhammad_AliBye bye, Butterfly. RIP the greatest…
Died at 74 and in my eyes, this ended the era of the greatest heavyweight boxing times… Lots of memories in Ali fights and I followed him to the end. He was a great statesman and tried to change life and make things better. His actions and deeds extended beyond the boxing ring and he stayed with us, as illness dragged him down. Year after year he continued and left the world doing more good than bad…

We can not all say that!

RIP Mohammad Ali, Cassius Clay Jr., The Greatest, The People’s Champion, The Louisville Lip…

The Liston fight favorite quote of mine: Following the win, a triumphant Clay proudly walked to the edge of the fight ring and, pointing to the ringside press who attested him at times, and proclaimed loudly: “Eat your words!” (Meaning the press,) he then added just as loud, “I am the greatest! I shook up the world. I’m the prettiest thing that ever lived.”

Yes he was……..