- Father Pavel on new roof of church
- So cool…
- Father Pavel very good man and very very devoted…
- Blessing
- Chants
- On Roof Father Pavel
- Waving censer for blessing
- Holy Water time…
- Father Pavel
Orthodox Censing…
-20 below give or take a few degrees. Too cold, but so wonderful to witness…
The new church roof with is steeple was blessed and the whole church was officially sanctioned yesterday. The Tiny Russian Village is officially a monastery and it is a wonderful place to live and be…
Svetochka and I took almost a hundred images of the proceedings and we sent them all to Father Pavel for his records. It was hard to only pick a few to post, but it was a perfect, if not cold day!
This as always is a record of the Tiny Russian Village. It is a very unique village in all the world and I am blessed to have a chance to live here…
We live in a wonderful world and as I always say, “You need to learn everyday of your life!”
Enjoy the pictures. You will not find these anywhere else. For we record actual life as it happens in Russia…
Bless the Tiny Russian Village and its wonderful monastery…