Nature is so wonderful…

Grouchy bear of a human and I love my coffee and my Sweetpea!

Us humans seem to be so out of touch with nature. We seem at times to be something not part of real life on earth. That could be the issue…

I walked at 5 a.m. and saw four deer, one fox, ten eagles, hundreds of ducks and a zillion tiny baby birds…

It may be cold, but the grass is growing, the weeds are sprouting upward and the sun came up with a smile. It seems that the only ones having issues are the humans and truthfully, our issues are self-instigated. Like the kid who tries to pick a fight at the sandbox, because everyone is having a good time. Yet that seems to bother that kid….adults are the same…

Foxy Fox, as I call him, was digging at the side of the road and I stayed still until he got what he wanted in his mouth. Then he looked around and saw me. He paused and thought a few seconds and slunk away toward the river. The deer were grazing near the river farther along my walk and they sensed me and decided I was possibly bad enough and bounded away into the woods. The little baby birds all watched me, chirped at me and ignored me, yet the eagles, ducks and ravens all considered me to be a threat and stayed far away…

But, everything was flowing and working as it should. Animals stayed away from the unknown and yet the baby birds who know me, come and look at me. They sing and dance in all the trees. Not a worry in the world…

Nature seems to have a handle on the earth. I do wish that us humans had even a inkling of the ability to be part of nature…

Everywhere I walk, I find signs of man…

Broken bottle, candy wrapper, crushed beer can, bulldozer tears in the ground, a backhoe remains that dug a ditch, old power poles, old equipment almost rotted away and a million other things. All of it is man made waste that uses resources in a wasteful way…

The fox has a home, dug by himself and we call it a fox hole. The deer bed down deep in the woods at night. The eagles build nests, huge nests, and reuse them every year. The baby birds eat the seeds from all the weeds, they do not think that weeds are weeds, the weeds are food. The ducks are getting ready to have their families and the grouchy hedgehog that I found also this morning is even grouchier than I am. If that is possible!

Us humans scare the earth and we use up resources for the rest of the planet as if the resources are endless…

I definitely do not think that us humans are natural to this planet and I realize that earth would be balanced and peaceful if we were not here. You realize that nothing on this planet would miss us if we disappeared, well except possibly cats and dogs who have been domesticated to the point of total reliance upon us…

But the wolf, hedgehog, fox, eagle and the bear could careless if we disappeared. They would thrive and balance with the rest of nature, as would the tiny little sparrows…

When I walk among nature and see the beauty that is there, how it will finally erase our remains after we leave. It would be as if in some many years, we would never have existed…

Really I do not think we humans are natural and good for earth…

Really we seem to not be from the natural earth!