Not gonna talk about it! TRV

Bear Rant in a Therapy Session…

I am not gonna talk about the power going out all afternoon two days ago and last night, yesterday, today and and and…

Not gonna talk about reporting the fact the power was out (by multiple people and by my SweetPea online in the official help desk area) and no one showed up. Well once they showed up in the middle of the night and we had power for a few hours…

Not gonna talk about people ignoring things. Like hey power is out and transformer is gonna blow up any day! Nah! It is all good and only a few people will die and maybe only half the village will burn down…

Not gonna talk about the endless series of wild ass thunderstorms. Proceed like evil demons one after another, pounding our Tiny Russian Village into mush. Not gonna talk about it…

Not gonna talk about all the food lost due to no power. Nope not gonna talk about it…

Not gonna talk about losing a big plum tree and half a large Maple tree, due to winds from hell…

There, now I feel so much better, not talking about it!


PS: But I will talk about: Mom’s home has power and this morning I just officially got moved and set up at her place…

Not gonna talk about it…