Numbers are talking and the Dollar collapse will snowball…

The numbers at what I see from the western press and that means the numbers are actually worse…

The dying Dollar $ in the late 90’s was at par with 80% of all countries global reserves. Then a shift started and by 2001 it was at 75%, then weaponisation started in earnest against choice countries, it fell to around 60% by 2021 due to already heavy weaponization of the Dollar and now they say it is at 47% during 2022 and attacking Russia with the dollar…

Now it is 2023 and already more movement away from the dollar has happened than all the past and that means, by 2024?

We are looking at just the Western Coalition supporting the dollar and they are already crashing as you read this…

Numbers are talking and the Dollar collapse will snowball. Until, even western countries will have to switch to something else…

Never go full retard and weaponizing the dollar against resource rich countries makes only sense if you are suicidally ignorant…