Last night was cold, my special broken thermometer said around -17 and I am going to get a new one as soon as I go to town. I built a fire and stoked it up at about 9:00 p.m. last night and it still has some warmth this morning as I got up. The home is doing good and I think it will be reasonably comfortable down to -30, with no problems. This is only about heating one room, so the room with the refrigerator is cold as a freezer. I have to think about that as I store food and such…
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I had several people ask me about the outhouse and what about sitting in a frozen place when doing your business?
That is a good question and one I asked myself and answered awhile back to myself. I just never knew that anyone else would care! The answer is to the left! <<<—–
I carry a padded room temperature seat bottom from the house to sit on. It works great and you do not have to worry about freezing your haft to the wood surface in -20 below weather… 😉
I might look stupid, but I am not!
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New Year is almost here. Sveta will be in Moscow and I will be here. I am sure that Vova has plans and personally I hope to be left alone. Boza and I like solitude and really do not want guests except for Sveta. I do have to go up to Vova’s today and gather a bucket of potatoes from him and I will check his blood sugar levels for him. I will also check his blood pressure! It seems that I am his doctor at times and I get to okay that he can drink and be merry for a holiday! 🙂 (Like he would listen anyway!)
I have a tin of cookies to take to him from Sveta and I already gave him a calendar from the Orthodox Church…
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I need to contemplate if I should make a trip to town today, for seriously, this is the New year holidays and Russian literally shuts its doors for a whole week, during this holiday. Most likely from noon the 31st of December to possibly the 9th of January almost nothing will be open!
But Magnet the big store will be open by the 2nd or 3rd of January, so since I have tons of food, I do not need to go! 😉 There that was answered and Boza and I will stay home…
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You know? I have to talk about Windows 10. I was upset and have waited for a few days to talk about the trashy piece of junk that Microsoft has decided to shove down our throats. I really gave Windows 10 a chance and I tried to solve all its issues. But there was an issue I could not overcome and that was its ability to eat data on the internet. When you live in the middle of nowhere and I mean literally nowhere! Every megabyte counts as you try to keep within a budget every month. One of the most expensive things I have to shell out for is internet and that runs about 900 rubles a month. That 900 rubles gives me basically 16 gigs of traffic usable for a whole 30 days… (I also get an extra 16 gigs of traffic from 1 a.m to 7 a.m. but, that is stupid and hardly counts in the life processes!)
Not the same as in Moscow with unlimited traffic for less money. Therefore, when I could not get Windows 10 to stop eating traffic, even if I shut it down for the night, when I started it back up, it ate traffic like a crazy fool. Then the camels back broke when, while Sveta was here, Windows 10 decided that 4 gigs of Ram was not correct and only reported 1 gig and at the same time refused to ever charge properly or report correct battery of the laptop. I also had over 2 gigs of updates it was trying to download and I simply screamed at it and told it goodbye forever…
Thus, I put back the original operating system, Windows 8.1 and it is acting very civilized and proper now. The machine is designed for 8.1 and that is what I will stay with. I am installing updates one at a time through Belarc and will not allow it to try to update to Windows 10 again and or even download the Windows 10 update of more than 3 gigs of data…
Damn you Microsoft! This has made me leery of them and I have deleted my account to help with testing beta software. I have reached the point of no return for Windows and will start back gathering my Linux past and reinstating a Linux Desktop in the future…
Windows 10 will not be in my future and support for Windows 7 and 8 will be gone before you know it…
There, now I am happier again! And yes I really tried, I know what I am doing and I really really tried to make it work. It simply did not want to play fair and that is the future of Windows OS…
All for itself and nothing for you but eye candy and clouds…
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- Head from tractor engine…
- Transmission from ?
Time to leave and get other things done. But I leave you with two images that I took yesterday in a lake bed. Looks like someone broke down many years ago and repaired a bulldozer(?), parts all over the lake bed and I have shown other parts in the past. I find it interesting what can be discovered when you walk a lake bed that is dry…
Have a nice day…
Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia (WtR)