Little creatures seem to like me. I do not know why, but they seem to…
The yard down the way has sunflowers everywhere. The birds do not touch them. They are exactly the same as what I put out for the flying piggy’s in our yard…
Yesterday, I watched at least a hundred Chickadees, better known at this point, as Flying Piggy’s, eating and socializing and really enjoying life. There is a flock of sparrows that come through and they try, yet they just cannot deal with sunflower seeds. So they move on after attempting to be a flying piggy. There is also a Eurasian Jay and he is a Hoggy. I tell him to get lost when I see him. He is easy to sneak upon and scare…
I have to laugh when he looks at me (After I say in my grouchy bear voice, “What the hell do you think you are doing?”) and his eyes get the size of a coffee cup saucer. Then he screams and flies like a bat out of hell…
The Chickadees or Flying Pigs, all sit there and laugh. They seem to know that I am not talking to them. The sparrows….well they just keep fighting among themselves. I could reach up and grab one of them, for they only pay attention to the game they play….I call it “squabble”…
We do have one Nuthatch and he is my very favorite bird of all. He is just a bit bigger than a chickadee, yet he flies like a rocket compared to a jet. He has a straight line attitude. Go through it not around it. Including me it seems at times….I have had the bejeebers startled out of me as he cuts the hair on my head at times. My hair is not that long…
- Nuthatch under the brace beam.
- Nuthatch getting a seed.
I went back to the sunflower field yesterday. People have really cleaned it out, yet I know and will get muddy to find more seeds for the babies (piggies) in our yard…
Yes I found more sunflower heads. Sammy the Volga and I were caked in mud…
Gotta feed those Flying Piggy’s…