Hello, I just walked the dog and am now enjoying my morning cup of coffee! I was thinking while walking the dog and if you have followed me over the years. You would know that I sometimes grab onto a happening (story) and do not let go until I am sure that I have seen […]
I received a comment today that really floored me. It was from the man that picked up the child from the Moscow airport who was involved in the international scandal about the Russian/American adoption return! This is the comment and it can be found on this article: Sheriff Randall Boyce Addresses “The Russian/American Adoption Scandal!”
Update on the Adoption case: This video is from the Sheriff in Shelbyville and he addresses the Russian adoption case… Windows to Russia! Found another good link that will keep you updated on this case. THE DAILY BASTARDETTE: http://bastardette.blogspot.com/2010/04/savelievhansen-case-torry-hansen-no.html
All people (132?) have died after a Polish presidential TU-154 plane crashed near an airport outside Smolensk in western Russia. The Polish president and his wife were killed in the crash. TU-154 was serving a flight from Warsaw to Smolensk. Polish Foreign Ministry confirmed President Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria Kaczynski were on board […]
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, “We have made a decision, and the Foreign Ministry will be at the insist to firmly suggest that all adoptions are to be frozen that are in progress and for future to U.S.A. households. Until Russia and the U.S. enter into an interstate agreement on the conditions under which an […]
“U.S. Ambassador to Russia: My wife and I are deeply shocked and outraged by what happened to Artem!” Читать целиком Посол США в РФ: мы с женой глубоко потрясены и возмущены тем, что произошло с АртемомВ эфире канала “Россия 24” свое отношение к инциденту с Артемом Савельевым, возвращенным американской семьей, усыновившей его, высказал посол США […]
Try this on for size: A 7 year old Russian boy, who was adopted by parents from the United States 6 months ago, has arrived back in Moscow on this Thursday. He is now undergoing medical tests in a metropolitan hospital and seems no worse for the wear. The child arrived from America alone, and […]
I posted yesterday several photos that Svet had taken of the Patriarch Kirill! Svetlana Catches Patriarch Kirill On Film! Svet posted this on her video blog! Blagoveschenie – Annunciation in Russia! Today lets watch a video that Svet took of the happenings at the church she was at. It has the most wonderful bells ring […]