Sometimes, it is not our time to go…

The little one in this video survived a very bad building explosion: Many died, many missing but one little one made it so far and lets hope it is not his time to go and he comes out okay….he is struggling…

Rescuers got from under the rubble of a house in Magnitogorsk, part of which collapsed because of a gas explosion, a ten-month-old baby, TASS was told at the operational headquarters on Tuesday. The condition of the baby is assessed as severe, noted in an interview with TASS in the ambulance service. — Спасатели достали из-под завалов дома в Магнитогорске, часть которого обрушилась из-за взрыва газа, десятимесячного ребенка, сообщили ТАСС во вторник в оперативном штабе. Состояние младенца оценивается как тяжелое, отметили в беседе с ТАСС в службе скорой помощи.

Bless his little soul….they say that his crib did not collapse and kept the building from crushing him and they said that he was surrounded by warm – many blankets and clothing that kept him warm….over 24 hours without food and water and heat and whatever…

It has been -20 to -30 below these last few days, at night…


Oh My!

I just realized that I started the year out very badly. The bottom of the barrel. First world, second world and third world badly. Just plain terrible badly. End of world and sky is falling disaster badly…

Any other day of the year it would be okay. I would just traipse out the door and get what I need. It can be found almost anywhere….but….it is the New Year and that is Russian Christmas and Russians take their Christmas very very seriously and they all stay home…

All I have is enough for two….just two….two is kinda a small number!

But two is enough and for that I am thankful. But, what if I cannot find more today? Then tomorrow I will be without…

How could I forget to get milk for my coffee? Oh My!

Fireworks until 5 a.m., they could have paid off the world debt with all the fireworks everyone shot off. It was amazing….have you ever seen the size of a thousand + shot air bombard (called cakes.) All exploding like the one below, except each is a different color and or multiple colors. It is the size of a small car across, tubes and tubes and tubes all stacked together and all you have to do is light the fuse and hope it does not explode…

Yes, I fell asleep at sometime after 5 a.m. – Ugh! Oh My!

I got a call from Svetochka already this morning. She spent the New Year with her mom and they had a good time. But my Sweetie misses me and will come home soon today. I wonder if she can find milk? 🙂

You see I usually keep cartoons of sterilized milk stocked in the flat, but I have been buying a certain brand of pasteurized milk (very cheap) and forgot about stocking emergency milk. Thus, now I am paying for such laziness on my part…

I think I will go get another cup of coffee and contemplate my situation and decide what I am going to do about such a world shattering issue…

I know! Just get my coat, scarf, gloves and boots on and go get some milk!

But first, that last cup of coffee…


Interesting: US citizen Paul Whelan caught with hand in the cookie jar…

MOSCOW, December 31. /TASS/. Russia’s Federal Security Service has detained US citizen Paul Whelan in Moscow on suspicion of espionage, the public relations center said on Monday.

“On December 28, 2018 staff members of the Russian Federal Security Service detained US citizen Paul Whelan in Moscow while on a spy mission,” the center said.

A criminal investigation into espionage has been launched against the US citizen.

If found guilty, he faces between 10 and 20 years in jail.


I will be watching this to see what is happening…


Russia has detained a U.S. citizen on spying charges that could land him in prison for as long as 20 years, the TASS news agency reported Monday. TASS said Paul Whelan was taken into custody Friday “during a spy rally in Moscow.” The report said officers of Russia’s domestic security service, the Federal Security Service (FSB), detained Whelan and opened a criminal case against him. No details were offered about Whelan or the crimes he allegedly committed. There was no immediate comment from the White House or U.S. State Department.

Ossetrina pod Syrom – Sturgeon Baked with cheese recipe…

“Ossetrina pod Syrom” (Sturgeon Baked with cheese) recipe a Russian fish dish…

This is a fine New Year and or Christmas dish to serve the family. Since it is still not New Year and Russians Christmas is New Year, then make a fish dish for your family and watch them eat it up. I suggest using whatever fish you desire, but, sturgeon is really good and it holds together good. I make it with carp also…

1 kilo sturgeon
8 ea only the egg yolk Cooked (Calls for this, but I use the whole egg and just six of them!)
2 c sour cream
2 tbsp butter
1 c dried and finely ground bread crumbs
2 c cheese ground
5 tb vegetable oil
1 ea lemon
2 ea carrot
2 ea parsley root
2 ea bay leaf
salt, pepper, garlic as needed

Lets make:
1. Boil the sturgeon in a large sauce pan with cut up carrots, parsley root, bay leaf, pepper, garlic and salt for 25 minutes…
2. Then slice the sturgeon into long slices, salt them and put in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours… (I actually do this for overnight!)
3. Then after the above is done: Mix and or whip the yolks only of hard boiled eggs, with the sour cream and butter… (Like I said, just whip the whole boiled eggs and enjoy…)
4. Put the fish slices on a oiled oven baking pan, spoon the sauce you just made on top of them, cover that with dried bread crumbs (croutons,) lemon juice, vegetable oil and cover the whole thing with shredded cheese… (Maybe a little more cheese? That is good…)
5. Put the pan in the preheated medium oven for 25 minutes and bake…
6. Decorate with lemon twists and greens like parsley if desired… (Why? I am not fancy…)

Traditionally sturgeon is served with fried potatoes…

Or rice is good also….or or or you know what I mean…


Oh, How much money I can make hating Russia…

This is kinda the end of the year post. At least the thinking’s that I am doing. I will toss a few more around before 2019 gets here, but this is the grand finale of 2018…

Money money money…

If money was the factor that drove me like it does so many people in the world. Then I could be living very well to do in Russia. There are many who live well to do and they write from their ivory towers downtown Moscow (and they also write from their London and New York towers after saying they know about Russia,) and reap the benefits of cash for lies…

You will not find my work anywhere (unless stolen and better be a link at least) except right here on Windows to Russia. I do not click bait my titles. I do not get paid per word. I do not get paid per article. I do not get paid for lies. I just get a bit of money from donations that trickle in once in awhile…

If I wanted to write good Russia and make money, I could work for RT, Sputnik and many others, controlled medias. If I wanted to write bad, evil and dictator Russia and make lots n lots more money, I could write for BBC, NY Times and other such trash. Well the opportunity is there. They want people who have lived in Russia thirteen years, to tell bad things about Russia…

I could write bad things about Russia and then when the going got heated or at least I could act like it got heated, I would run away and live in London and keep writing about those damn Russians and my life of hell. Problem is; Russia does not bother people like me, even if I was writing bad stuff about Russia…

But that said, they also do not bother people like me who write good stuff and or true stuff about Russia. Then again, I would not take money for writing what I see and feel as the truth. If someone paid me to write good things about Russia, then I would most likely not write at all. I write from my heart and that is not driven by money…


I bet Russia pays you to write about bad America?

Nope again, I write about what has happened to me in America. I write what is wrong about what should be the shining star in the world. Yet I write about how far we are and have fallen. America does it to itself, no one else to blame, no one person did it, it was a collective destruction of a great country…

Svetochka and I have spent 100 times the money that WtR has ever generated. It barely generates enough year around to pay for her hosting and domain. But that is good enough…

Can you imagine writing 6000 plus posts for no money? Would you do it? Could you do it? Something drives me! Not money though! Maybe truth drives me? Hmm!

I just looked: 6620 posts. This post will make 6621. I really do not keep track and surprise myself when I do look after months and months. There is a bunch of stupidity in what I wrote yet there also is a bunch of truth. There also is a whole bunch of predictions, some good and some bad. The one thing about my posts is that you will find me anti war and anti bothering other people and countries. America is the best at doing just that…. bothering people…

But, back to hating Russia:

When I came back from the jungles, still soaked in multiples of Agent Orange showers. We were asked to not tell anyone what we experienced. For the sake of the country….don’t talk about blowing up pregnant women, children and old people cowering withing their own personal huts made of local foliage and stuff. Don’t talk about children with dynamite strapped to them and stairs with pressure wires to ignite a bomb. Tunnels everywhere and I personally crawled in a few to clean out the rats. Except it was their land and their home and nothing to do with us…

Just like then, I have been asked to lie, then attacked for over ten years about telling the truth about America and Russia. One way pays well and the other way pays crap…

So why not hate Russia? (And make damn fine money…) We seem to only be able to thrive if we hate someone or something or some country….sounds kinda like we have personal issues… So why not hate Russia?

Because, there is much more to like about Russia than hate….and I will not lie just to make a buck…

That my friend, does not make money!

Truth pays piss poor: Thus, I will be destined to be poor in Russia…

Oh, How much money I can make hating Russia… (Lots and lots and lots…more than you would think that lying should pay!)