Then our culvert pipe showed up in TRV…

Father Pavel sent these images of the old/new pipe for the culvert. The Fish Village gave us this pipe and delivered it right after we left the Tiny Russian Village….they had to bring the crane to get the giant lake pump anyway and brought the pipe when they all got off Govid-19 vacation….Gotta love that Fish Village…

I wanted to cry….I am a delicate guy you know?

Isn’t that the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world?

Oh well!

Next year comes too fast and it will be waiting patiently for me to play with it then….along with a thousand other things that have to get done at the Tiny Russian Village…


The battle against King Covid-19 in the Big Village (Sarai) – tidbit time…

More than 8 thousand people have been vaccinated against coronavirus in Sarajevo region (AKA – Big Village)

8 thousand 36 people were vaccinated against coronavirus in the Sarajevo region, which is 109% of the plan. On the morning of October 19, 6 thousand 365 people were completely vaccinated. This was announced by the chief physician of the Sarajevo interdistrict hospital Pavel Sheidorov.“Vaccination is a necessary measure, the only way to stop the infection today. Everyone who has not yet been vaccinated should think about this, ”says Pavel Anatolyevich. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 869 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the Sarajevo region. Currently, 46 patients are treated on an outpatient basis. Another 14 people are in medical institutions of the region.

Source: В Сараевском районе прививку от коронавируса сделали более 8 тысяч человек

In the village of Sarai, the treatment of public areas, places of mass gathering of the population, places of trade and areas adjacent to shops with disinfectants continues in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19.

Source: Saraevsky district news / News / Saraevsky municipal district of the Ryazan region

On November 1, in the village of Sarai, employees of the district administration, together with representatives of law enforcement agencies, carried out regular raids to comply with the mask regime and measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Also, during the events, the presence of unaccompanied minors in trading places was checked.

Source: Saraevsky district news / News / Saraevsky municipal district of the Ryazan region

On November 3, in the village of Sarai, employees of the district administration, together with representatives of law enforcement agencies, carried out regular raids to comply with the mask regime and measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19.

Source: Saraevsky district news / News / Saraevsky municipal district of the Ryazan region


King Covid-19 has definitely changed our lives and not for the better…

It is what it is anymore…

By the way: I have seen/know most of those people in these articles, they never ever wear a mask at any other time ever….and I know, for I am a regular in the Big Village and I do wear a mask always when shopping in the Big Village of Sarai…

What amazed me is that the masks are even over their noses….simply amazing…

King Covid-19 just keeps on winning…


Well it is time to pack and leave the Tiny Russian Village…

Here is a good link to allow you to see basics about our Tiny Russian Village. The time, weather, coordinates and whatnot…

Therefore, today I pack Sammy the Russian Volga car and tomorrow morning off we go. It has been a very good 7 months in the Tiny Russian Village and believe you me….I want to live here permanently…

That image above is the Tiny Russian Village…

Once Old Man Winter does his thing? I will be back…


Kurnik is chicken pie and Kulebyaka is fish pie: another simple recipe from WtR…

Kurnik Chicken Pie

While kulebyaka is usually made with fish, kurnik (from the Russian word kuritsa, meaning “chicken”) is made with poultry…

Now we have all made Kulebyaka Fish Pie in the past years, but….lets make Kurnik Chicken Pie!

Same recipe, different name and one ingredient different…

A Kulebyaka is a Kurnik….when a Kurnik is a Kulebyaka…


2 oz of real butter
1 small onion, finely diced
6 to 8 oz long grain wild rice, cooked till very soft…
1 tbsp fresh dill grass, finely chopped
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 lb puff pastry – not frozen
1 lb chicken thigh meat – no skin and shredded, I like to pre-cook the chicken…
3 medium eggs – hard-boiled and finely diced
1 raw egg – whipped
Salt and black pepper – actually I love it best with a touch of crushed red pepper…
Flour for the rolling pin and surface

How to Make Chicken Kurnik:

The oven should be pre-heated to around 200 C.

While oven is pre-heating, make sure chicken and rice are pre-cooked…

Lightly oil a baking tray, to lay the finished product on to bake…

Melt the butter in a saucepan, and add the finely chopped onion. Cook for approximately 10 minutes, until the onion is just tender, and slightly golden brown and getting opaque…

Stir in the pre-cooked rice, adding chopped fresh dill, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, all with the butter and onion in the sauce pan…

On a lightly floured surface roll out the thawed puff pastry, to make a 12 in square. Try to use only enough flour to do the job. Excess flour will toughen the pastry as will excess working of the dough…

Spread the rice mix over the pastry, but leave a border all round of about ½ inch…

Arrange the pre-cooked chicken pieces on top of the rice, scatter the chopped egg over the salmon. I also toss a little salt and pepper on top for good measure. This is where you can apply crushed pepper as you desire and that is yummy…

Brush pastry edges with whipped egg…

Fold the pastry twice to form a rectangle. Press the edges together to seal in the contents…

Carefully lift the pastry onto the oiled baking tray and glaze the top with beaten egg…

Pierce the pastry on top in several places to allow steam to escape. Those who are artistic can cut a design…

Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for approximately 40 minutes. After 30 minutes cover the roll with foil to keep from burning the top…

Leave on baking tray to cool. Garnish as you desire and once cool enough slice and serve. This makes about enough for 4 people or one very very hungry person…

How you serve this dish is up to you, either as a light lunch accompanied by a mixed salad, or as a main meal. It goes particularly well with boiled new potatoes and mixed vegetables. If carefully wrapped in foil the Kurnik travels well and makes good food on a Russian train…

This product can be made with fish, cabSalmon Kulebyakabage, ham, pork, chicken and just about anything you desire…

Enjoy, I know your family will…

Lets Make Salmon Kulebyaka: A Russian Recipe…

A Kulebyaka is a Kurnik….when a Kurnik is a Kulebyaka…


Walking at TRV….winter waking and fall going to sleep…

Sometimes as you walk, you come upon something that stands out from everything else. Fall and winter are a time that is basically colorless and whites, browns, tans and greys are predominant. Yet when most color fades, sometimes what was there all along has a chance to show its colors…

You realize that this beautiful mound of moss has been there all summer and as to its size….it has been there for many many years. But when all else is green and fresh, Mrs. Moss is hidden from the world…

I think she is beautiful and worthy of having her picture taken…


Winter is waking and fall is going to sleep!