Sammy the Volga’s cardboard model wandering the earth at the post offices…

New news on the package from the USA:

Suck it up, Twinkle toes! That package will get there when they damn well decide to get it there…

As we all know it was shipped to Kenya and was expected to be sent to Russia from there? Nope! It sat in Kenya for about three months and now it has appeared back in Chicago, USA….(Tidbit, looks like Kenya does not even have a way to send it on to Russia in the first place? Soooo…)

Tracking number: UH037881365US
Jul 13, 2021 16:07 / USPS / MATTAWAN, MI, 49071, USPS in possession of item
Jul 13, 2021 22:43 / USPS / GRAND RAPIDS MI DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Jul 14, 2021 03:21 / USPS / GRAND RAPIDS MI DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX, Departed USPS Regional Facility
Jul 14, 2021 06:29 / USPS / CHICAGO IL LOGISTICS CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Jul 14, 2021 12:38 / USPS / CHICAGO IL LOGISTICS CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
Jul 14, 2021 13:35 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Jul 17, 2021 00:00 / USPS / In Transit to Next Facility
Jul 18, 2021 18:08 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at Regional Facility
Jul 18, 2021 18:08 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
Jul 19, 2021 08:03 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Processed Through Regional Facility
Jul 20, 2021 10:44 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Processed Through Regional Facility
Jul 22, 2021 14:27 / USPS / CHICAGO, UNITED STATES, Arrived
Jul 22, 2021 20:45 / USPS / CHICAGO, UNITED STATES, Departed
Jul 24, 2021 09:49 / USPS / DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Departed
Jul 24, 2021 14:15 / USPS / NAIROBI, KENYA, Departed
Oct 24, 2021 16:28 / USPS / DETROIT MI NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Oct 24, 2021 17:39 / USPS / DETROIT MI NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
Oct 26, 2021 11:47 / USPS / CHICAGO IL LOGISTICS CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Oct 26, 2021 11:58 / USPS / CHICAGO IL LOGISTICS CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
Oct 26, 2021 13:02 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Oct 27, 2021 05:20 / USPS / CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
View more:

It was looking bleak for the package:

Everyday the package from the USA looks to have been eaten by the postal monster…

Some how someone in the USA decided that Korolev,Russia was Nairobi,Kenya? Or maybe someone in Dubai decided that? Or maybe the postal gods were bored and wanted a Volga to play with awhile?

What ever the reason?

The nice friend of mine, whom is the creator of the Volga model, in the US, is close to getting the package back….what shape it is in? He can only guess at this point, but the package is close to finding its way home…

~~ All I know: It is not Russia’s fault! It never even got near the Russian boarder! Russia did not do it! ~~

See: Now you have actually seen something that “Russia” actually did not do…


Time to check/winterize Sammy the Volga and what happened to the model?

Sammy The Volga Model is done and working out the shipping issues…

Sammy the Volga Cardboard Model…

All I can say when I really see myself in an image is, “Hi Grandpa Stroud.”

I guess we all take after someone in the family and not always your parents & we really have no idea what we look like from a distance and how we look to others as they see us…

Kyle David Keeton

Typical Tiny Russian Village attire and yes this is that American living in Russia…

A major reason that my brain connects to grandpa is that he died very old and my dad died very young and so connection with a dad who looks younger than I do is harder to accept than one of my grandpa….who by the way, I look a bunch like him, built like him and grumpy like him…

My dad was a much smaller man than I am and Grandpa Stroud again is where I get my build from…

But regardless, as Svetochka sneaks these pictures of me, and I grumble about it….all I can say is…

Hi Grandpa Stroud!


Svetochka turned to me and said, “I don’t know what is happening to America?”

Svetochka turned to me and said, “I don’t know what is happening to America?” as she hears about the latest US antics from the Russian news…

I said as I focused upon this new information, “Proves my point that no one is in charge and most of them are nuts!”

So before you act ignorant yourself about Russian news sources telling truth and that is just not good enough. The source below is straight from the horses mouth…


9 FAM 504.4-8(E)(1)  (U) Definition of Homeless Cases

(CT:VISA-1398;   10-21-2021)

  1. (U) Generally, a homeless visa applicant is one who is a national of a country in which the United States has no consular representation or in which the political or security situation is tenuous or uncertain enough that the limited consular staff is not authorized to process IV applications.  Countries whose nationals are considered homeless are listed in paragraph b below.
  2. (U)List of Homeless Nationalities:
Cubans Georgetown
Eritreans Addis Ababa and Nairobi
Iranians Abu Dhabi, Ankara, and Yerevan
Russians Warsaw
Libyans Tunis
Somalis Nairobi
South Sudanese Nairobi
Syrians Amman, Beirut (For Palestinians with Syrian Travel Documents)
Venezuelans Bogota
Yemenis Djibouti

Russia is now at the stage of wondering if the “Psychotic USA” is ever gonna get some much need help mentally?

“Something important broke down in the State Department long ago, and they cannot repair it,” Zakharova wrote in a Facebook post. For many years, American diplomats have been destroying the consular system in Russia that they had not created: they closed consulates, reduced the number of consular staff, experimented with how our symmetrical response differs from a mirror one
Source: US places Russians on ‘homeless nationalities’ list, diverting immigrant visa seekers to Poland — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union


The US State Department has told its citizens not to travel to Russia under any circumstances, with Washington suggesting that Americans could be kidnapped, arrested, tortured and even supposedly jailed on trumped-up charges.

Source: US officials warn Americans against ALL travel to Russia, citing ‘terrorism’ concerns & inability to provide consular support — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

~~ Damn Russians are barbarians! ~~

The loonies are running the USA Asylum….be very careful and run fast, for they will catch you if you sleep…

Russia Travel Advisory by USA and it is the biggest crock of lies I have yet to witness. I live in Russia folks and these are lies…

See the US is Loony and more Loony….everyday!


Journalism use to retract lies front page, now they retract the truth front page…

Journalism is dead as a door nail in the Western World and on a life support iron lung in the Eastern World…

At one time it was a big deal to have a reputation and professionalism in all jobs and occupations. Thus, when the a newspaper found that they erroneously reported an issue and that issue was not true, they retracted it. They did not act like they never printed it. They corrected the fact, whether they intentionally lied in the first place and or just sloppy journalism is for us to decide in another situation…

This situation that has become the norm in journalism is basically a, “Post/Print what I want and so what if it is a lie!”

If they are forced to retract?

It grudgingly is posted around Grandma’s Recipe section and the Cat Obituary section….if it did not get deleted by Fumble Fingers Malone who delivers coffee to all the ~~ Professional Journalist. ~~


Journalism use to retract lies front page, now they retract the truth front page…

Svetochka made it to the Tiny Russian Village – Yippy!

So my little SweetPea made it and she is all snuggled as a bug in a rug in her bed this morning…

Worn out, she hit the bed around 7:30 p.m. and in about two seconds she was asleep. She sleeps much more than I do and I was out early also, except I was up at 1:00 a.m., tried to go back to bed and to no avail….I suspect that she will sleep until at least 8 a.m. and I will have to be a patient bear…

So made coffee, heated up a bite to eat and started to see what the world is up to?

Since I still have things to get done around the Tiny Russian Village; I will plan how and what order I will do those thingy things…