Struggling to move the concrete part of old pole…

My SweetPea is so cute: She grabbed the concrete part of the pole and tugged on it. No, it did not move and she said, “Nope you are not gonna move it!”

This little Russian girl who is half my size….makes me smile and that brightens my life!

But without farther adieu, we still tugged and twisted and pulled and rolled it from near the new pole to where it is now….I used a tow strap and lifted it one side at a time and dragged it a few inches at a time….everything else is gone…

Now what to do from this point?


A day in and around the Tiny Russian Village…

Yesterday was warmer and a very nice day…

Svetochka and I went to the Big Village and got a few things. Drove around and checked out the surrounding world and found that once again the Covid-19 lock-down made a ghost town out of our world. That is okay, we enjoyed looking around…

Have a nice day!


But along came the Covid-19 shutdown and our culvert got stuck in limbo…

Doesn’t matter what and why in the end. It just matters that the Covid-19 shutdown of everything literally in Russia has stopped the progress of things getting done for us in TRV…

TRV: Culvert pipe is being delivered “probably Friday”…Today that is, by the Fish Farm…

Nope, Culvert did not make it and the Fish Farm let everyone go a day early of the official lock down. Not my call and not my decision and life is that way….best laid plans of mice and men…

Next year is a new year and it will get done when we come again to TRV…

This is how I look when waiting patiently for others to get things done…

Well as I waited earlier in the post above. Some things happened and some things did not…

Sammy the Volga car is okay….Sammy the Volga model ended up back in the USA because you know Russia is an unknown country you know….Culvert was a fail thanks to King Covid….Sweetpea showed up (Yippy)….and the miracle of all miracles, the electric company installed a new power pole…

So I would say close enough to call it perfect… 🙂


TRV: Culvert pipe is being delivered “probably Friday”…Today that is, by the Fish Farm…

A big pipe same as used to fill the fish lakes in spring is being given to us to put in a culvert for our driveway. The Fish farm is done emptying the lakes and true to their word, they called Father Pavel and then Father Pavel called us and by this weekend we will have the pipe for the culvert…

Then Father Pavel of the monastery will coordinate and get the work crew here to put it in. The crew cost us like a 1000 rubles an hour, but the Fish Pipe, given by the Fish Owner is at no cost and delivered free by the Fish Guys working at the Fish Village….seems kinda all Fishy, Huh! 🙂

Therefore, today we wait for the guys from the Fish Farm to come with the pipe. I have lots to do and will tear apart the old telephone pole that the electric company left so sweetly in the way after they pulled it out of the ground. Fire up the chainsaw to cut pole down to smaller pieces and get out the hacksaw to cut the steel bands around the concrete piece and wood pole….then haul it away. Oh and keep the concrete part for a corner fence post in the yard…

I thought it was nice of them to leave the old pole for me to deal with, yet even if I grumble, I realize that waste not want not and will utilize much of what they left for other projects…

Once the culvert comes, a guy who wants to do the concrete work at the ends of the culvert after it is put in the ground will come by and look-see and we have to schedule the backhoe to come and do its job…

Never a dull moment at the Tiny Russian Village…

Now where is that culvert again?


Once upon a time it was just who was the hottest babe?

From “FaceMash” that allowed basically you to rate which ‘hot girl was hotter’….to “Facebook” which had a seedy and non profit for years beginning and allowed university students to connect and now, after many more seedy issues we have….”Meta” so that we can all live in the Metaverse ** and leave that nasty old fashion Social Media behind…

** Metaverse is a speculative future iteration of the Internet, made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe. The metaverse in a broader sense may not only refer to virtual worlds, but Internet as a whole, including the entire spectrum of augmented reality. More:

Are they still gonna have sock-monkeys in the Meta World?

Are kitty cats still gonna be front page prominence?

I dunno & I don’t care & it’s gonna happen anyway!

~Welcome your new god!~