Father Pavel of the TRV Monastery called and said they are coming…

What? No way? Miracle? Help, We never dreamed that the electric company would do what they said they would do so fast….okay, faster than a speeding Russian is normally… 🙂

Falling down home disconnected, old pole like a fallen soldier and new (used) pole standing tall…

Bless their little pea pickin heart…

It was perfect and yet as my grandma would have said, “Perfect is in your mind, for there is no perfect, just wonderfully enough!”

But even perfect has a mishap…

They tore our line lose from the house. When they yanked and tightened the cable, no one saw the connection pop on our home contact area. Just one connection and Vova saved us. He saved the Tiny Russian Village for many years from terrible electrical issues and yesterday, he got to be a hero again…

Thank You Electric Company, Thank You Father Pavel, Thank You Vova and last but not least….Thank You God!

Svetochka and I are very thankful to not have to spend the winter worried about our roof being torn out…


Putin at 2021 Valdai Discussion Club was in fine form and talks the talk as he walks the walk…

It does not matter to me that you wanna hate Russia and Putin….what he says is how I feel about life as we watch it unfold in the world and that is what counts to me. The world needs more Russia and more Putin…

Putin at 2021 Valdai Discussion Club was in fine form and talks the talk as he walks the walk…

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s appearance at the 2021 Valdai Discussion Club rivaled his famous annual press conferences, clocking in at over 3 hours. Here are some of the topics that he touched upon.Putin spoke at length at the plenary session of the Valdai Club in Sochi on Thursday, taking questions from the moderator as well as the audience, both those physically present and over video link.

Source: End of capitalism, transgender kids, NATO, reverse racism, WWII, censorship and more: what Putin spoke about at Valdai — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Putin said, “The discussion about the rights of men and women has turned into a total phantasmagoria in a number of Western countries,” and “Those who risk saying that men and women still exist, and that this is a biological fact, are virtually ostracized.”

This is borderline crime against humanity – all under the guise of ‘progress.’

Source: ‘Simply monstrous’: Putin says teaching young children they can easily swap genders is a ‘borderline crime against humanity’ — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

I say, “Not just a crime against humanity, but a disgusting social engineering ideology as well…”

For your tidbit information needs: Complete meeting at 2021 Valdai Discussion Club below video…


SOCHI, October 21. /TASS/. The existing model of capitalism has reached its limits, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Everyone says that the existing model of capitalism, which the basis of social structure in the overwhelming majority of countries, has run its course,” the head of state said, speaking on Thursday at a meeting of the Valdai International Club.According to him, this model can no longer offer a way out of the “snarl of increasingly tangled contradictions.” “Everywhere, even in the richest countries and regions, the uneven distribution of material wealth leads to aggravating inequality,” the head of state added.

Source: The existing model of capitalism has run its course — Putin – Business & Economy – TASS

And there you go, American Royalty Wannabees…

The Duchess of Sussex has made her most overtly political intervention yet, sending an open letter to two senior US figures on proposed parental and sick leave legislation….It was written on the Sussexes new post-royal letterhead, which prominently uses their titles but not their official cyphers.

Source: Meghan Markle writes to US politicians saying paid leave for parents should be a ‘national right’ | Daily Mail Online

So do we have a the intentional start of the USA own Royalty?

And people thought I was crazy to think this about US Royalty…

Cool, maybe us USAians can have Royalty also?

Better listen to the needs and wants of our new King & Queen of the USA…


It is official vacation time in Russia and King Corona has won again…

In order to prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to protect public health, the President has announced that October 30 to November 7, 2021, inclusive, will be paid non-working days. Corresponding recommendations were given to highest officials in the Russian Federation regions. The Russian Federation Government was instructed to determine working arrangements for federal cultural institutions and healthcare facilities during the non-working days introduced by the Executive Order. The Russian Federation Government and highest regional officials were instructed to allocate, from respective budgets, financial support for small and medium-sized businesses as well as socially oriented non-profit organisations which are part of the Russian economy and that are most affected by the worsening COVID-19 outbreak and the non-working days in October and November 2021.

Source: Executive Order on non-working days in October and November 2021 • President of Russia


How we the West instigated and the East allowed the murdered of Libya…

NATO bombarded the Great Man-Made River in July 2011, obliterating a key to the regular citizen, a life blood foundation: an atrocity and most definitely a war crime in anyone’s book….but we all watched and picked our nose as we contemplated other things…

The United Nations “Human Development Index” as I was reading it, gives an outlined proportion of well being, schooling and pay for Libya. In 2010, Libya was positioned number one in Africa, and 53rd out of 189 nations and domains. Today, its positioning has sunk from 53rd to 105th around the world.

After the NATO-sponsored “unrest”, Libya has none of these pleasant things in life any longer. There are consistent forced cuts in human needed basics of life. The medical care framework has imploded. There is no framework for the people anymore. The way of life has plunged, and following 10 years since NATO crimes, Libya doesn’t have a working formalized government.

In March this year, an administration of public solidarity was framed, after a truce handled in October 2020. While it has to a great extent held as of recently, and races in politics are booked haphazardly for this December….infighting endures, and regardless of whether anything happens to this interaction stays decidedly and dangerously, not yet clear.

Rather than a plenitude of water, gold and oil in a flourishing country with an extraordinary framework, Libya presently has open slave-exchange markets being catered to by the West. Bootleggers and human dealers exploit transients and outcasts going through to Europe, auctioning them off into subjugation. Adversary clans and political groups battle about oil and other commodities which are very scarce, none really settled and or capable to hold onto power for themselves. In the interim, pockets of Islamic State (IS, once in the past ISIS), Al-Qaeda and other jihadist contenders prowl in the shadows, tormenting the conflict torn nation and its neighbors – bunches of scum who wouldn’t have tried to build up a presence in Qaddafi’s Libya…

Such a prosperous country before NATO, but since Qaddafi’s fall, it has been taken over by fear mongers, entrepreneurs and hoodlums, and has dove headfirst into mayhem. Many western scum has exploited the situation in Libya. This is the thing that has happened to Libya these most recent 10 years. This is the thing that NATO made and proud to say they did it…

Something else not referenced in our quest to cover up how badly we messed up Libya: Qaddafi, while transparently the pioneer of Libya’s rise, however was “not the president”. He presented an arrangement of direct majority rule government to the nation, and did as such at neighborhood levels. He made 15,000 collectives whereby local people would decide on issues applicable to them, just as on the ordinary political undertakings. This was done, because Libya is a hotbed of tribes…

The West will, has and did attempt to spread this and say that individuals were not deciding on heads of government and so forth – yet what difference does it make? Do American, Canadians, Britons, Netherlanders, Danes, Swedes and Spaniards and literally every country in the world….vote in favor of their governments?

Qaddafi held the framework set up, and the nearby individuals had true independence on issues where residents of Western “majority rules systems” don’t and will not even talk to the people within the system about letting them decide their future…

The independence that was prevalent in Libya was also Qaddafi’s undoing, so many power hungry independent leaders, with no ability to foresee the future, are easy targets for the West to capitalize upon…

The West murdered Libya and all the while the East sat back and watched…

No one’s hands are clean on Libya and all the propaganda that you expel from forked faced tongues will never put Libya back together again, for a very very long time…

But….it did set the stage, the changes in feelings, the realization of reality, that when Syria was under the same gun as Libya was destroyed by, Russia stepped in, instead of watching and looking around like fools…

Too late for Libya…