Nice to get Sammy the Volga home, now lets get Svetochka here to TRV…

~~ Damn coffee shop is closed this morning in the Tiny Russian Village. Guess I will have to make my own? Don’t you hate it when that happens? ~~

Sammy the Volga made it home and she purrs like a kitten as she idles happily and really jumps when you push the gas pedal down. It is a nice thing when your car is happy. I knew that with the new (used) engine we put in years ago, that with older used engine comes future work and sensors are a thing that seem to go out in sets. Lucky that Sammy is an old car and does not have a sensor to check on everything. Six had to be replaced and there are six only to replace it seems in the first place. Age wears us all out…

Spent 10,000 rubles on her and it was well worth it. Just in time to go get Svetochka and enjoy a week in the Tiny Russian Village with her…

I am going to the Big Village and fill the car up with Benzine, grab two cans of white spray paint, a very long drill bit (to go through a wall) and some electrical supplies. Today I am going to do some electrical work in the village home and need to get my ducks in order. Gonna add a second breaker box to a separate extension of the home and then that will solve any power supply issues I have, as I have a need come up. Trying to drag a extra long extension around the house from one side to the other is a pain and I am always up to no good and working on something in the corner of the yard, that needs electricity. All summer I fought this issue and will fix it today. Going to be freezing cold all day, so working inside is a good thing…

I hope for Saturday to have my SweetPea with me in TRV…

~~ Darn Starbucks in our Tiny Russian Village is closed this morning! That is just a sad state of affairs and typical third world problems. What to do? ~~


I am hoping that Svetochka comes this next weekend and a few thoughts at the Tiny Russian Village…

I really am!

So it ends up the same as last year:

The end of October and my SweetPea shows up (lets hope nothing else comes up to stop this) to get back home with me. It has been a very bad year for loss of friends, coworkers and family to the Covid-19. Life is definitely changed by King Covid and will never go back to the same as it was. A friend Sveta knows through work for many years, whom she worked with through her job has died of Covid-19. He was the Engineer of Services for IBM, a very intricate part of the server software, maintenance and whatnot issues for IBM in Russia…

This just puts a whole new level of pressure upon Svetochka….this mans replacement will be hard to find (if IBM can even find such a replacement this day and age) and Sveta has to take upon herself even more of a load with the lack of experienced long term IBM Engineers to fall back on during issues with the IBM servers. It has created a paradox….for Sveta should be retired now and that will not happen for a long while. There is no one at one of the largest banks in the world whom can do what Svetochka does and to find someone for the ancient IBM system is nigh impossible. Switching to a newer system takes a bunch of time, money and infrastructure changes…

The King takes another and another and another….he is a Bad King!

So soon, I will be back in Moscow, Russia and let the Tiny Russian Village have a break from my escapades…

Things are adding up to me:

The services through big companies from the West as the West is crumbling, are drying up and blowing away in the wind to the rest of the world. It is interesting to watch….for so many companies cannot even service their own countries now, much less keep the pretense of service of their goods in other countries…

This is a good and bad thing:

It allows new fresh faces to rise to the challenge, yet it always leaves a vacuum to fill for a time frame unknown. Thus, while we watch the thrashing of the Dying Western USA Empire….China, Russia and more are taking and developing their own survival steps to ensure their advancement in the future. yet it is a rough process for all involved…

Too many eggs in one basket and the basket is getting worn out and unraveling at the seams…

Just spent a half hour telling Foxy Fox who is boss:

A Foxy Fox disturbed the neighbors doggy. He is a good dog and deserves better than who he has as owners, but that is regressing….so since Big Dog as I call him was upset and I know his four types of barking very well, I went to see what was up. We had a Foxy Fox snooping in the village and Foxy Foxes are never wanted around a village, much less inside the village as this one was…

So, I pinpointed him with the flashlight and it is interesting to see that the dogs eyes glow green and a foxes eyes glowed white instead of the normal reddish glow in a flashlight beam. The dog had much better night vision than the fox did at this meeting…

I grabbed my stick and took a walk down the hill. I moved slowly and steadily and the dog was thankful to have someone who cared. This is serious business for a doggy, you know….Foxy Fox was obviously concentrating upon the doggy and did not realize that at 3 a.m. a human was sneaking about also….the moon is almost full and I got very close to the fox and could see him well. I hit the flashlight and he was just turning around to focus upon who was behind him and the reaction was priceless. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. I am telling you that a Foxy Fox can cover ground faster than a speeding bullet…

When he had gone about two hundred meters, he slouched in the tall grass and kept looking at me with those glowing white eyes. It is interesting to watch as they blink, it is like a small flashlight beam turning off and on. He is still out there and the dog gets upset off and on, but it is all good…

I find it interesting that people with dogs have no reaction to and understand that dogs have a language and if you take the time to know the barks, you know when something is wrong and or not wrong. But the neighbors….wouldn’t know if someone was in their yard or not. Even as the chained up doggy barked his warnings to tell his family that all is not good…

But I went and helped him to defend the Tiny Russian Village…

-4 C outside and it feels like it. Sipping coffee and warming backup right now. Cannot get a good image, but the color is evident and the moon is orange…

A Harvest Moon as we called it back in my days!

Poor Doggy, barking at the Harvest Moon, oops, I mean the foxy fox. I am glad that I could keep him company…

If he was my doggy?

Him and I would have gone fox hunting together and chased the fox around the village. As it is, we did okay together….but what good is a dog that is chained up?

Oh well, still a fun morning…

Removed the fat slowly and carefully. I need to lose another 5 kilos (sorta 10 pounds)  to get in safe weight zone, 195 pounds would be good…

I think I am done for today?

Yes I am and have a nice day…


Update: The Foxy Fox got into where the neighbors have Turkeys and got himself an early Thanksgiving dinner, Now you see that having a dog chained and not listening to him talking to you as he warns you of issues, makes no sense and it looks like they only lost one. That was because I was out at the early hours paying attention. Foxy Fox was scared away right across the road by me and that was what he was doing until I rudely interrupted him with the flashlight….Thanksgiving dinner with Turkey…

Russia says bye bye NATO from November – FM Lavrov

Moscow has announced that it will completely suspend the operations of its mission to NATO, two weeks after the US-led bloc expelled eight Russian diplomats for alleged ‘undisclosed espionage’ at its Brussels headquarters. Speaking on Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also revealed that the NATO information bureau in Moscow will be forced to shut down as part of retaliatory measures.Earlier this month, NATO officials decided to slash the size of the permanent Russian delegation to the bloc, revoking the credentials of eight envoys, in response to what it called “suspected malign Russian activities.”

Source: Russia to suspend direct diplomatic ties with NATO from November with US-led bloc’s Moscow mission ordered to close – FM Lavrov — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Russia just leave them behind…


From boarded up windows and rotted front steps… (Nikolai’s Home)

I realize that Nikolai was failing the last few years of his life. Yet he still gathered all that was needed as per material items and other supplies, to do all the projects and finish the home. Being in the mid 80’s before he died, I can see how the work changed that he performed and I have stayed true the best I can to leaving the good and bad. I straightened this and that and I replaced what he had projects in the working(s) and I understand even more about the man. The home is a tribute to Nikolai and it will stay that way as long as I live…

I have literally used everything in materials that he had stored and it took everything to bring the home back to its original glory. Yes it is just a Tiny Russian Village Home, yet, he rebuilt the core of the home after his sister died and it was in very bad shape. I wish I had images of that era!

I have tried my best to make a real home of the place and not a place that is stayed at a few months at a time…

One of the last things to do is to build a brick wood stove inside and I will next year, if God allows and willing, I will myself build a wood stove from scratch. I have made my mind up and if Svetochka is for it, I have been planning and drawing the designs to install the heat source. Nikolai had removed the original gigantic wood stoves so typical of Russian homes in the villages. I will not go back to such a wood stove, but I will be creative and blend modern stovepipe work with a small brick oven stove…

I like this video…

Have a nice day…


Russia does have rules for these things…