The hate I got was violent in nature and the comments could not be posted over the article below I wrote. People degrading Russia and acting all high and mighty from the USA…

The hate I got was violent in nature and the comments could not be posted over the article below that I wrote. People degrading Russia and acting all high and mighty from the USA…

Get this under control Russia, don’t act like a Guantanamo Bay by the USA…

Then something like this happens in full public view and no one, but no one did anything. So look in the mirror and look inside yourself and stop pointing fingers and get your house in order…

Woman Raped on train in USA: While Others Stood Around And “Did Nothing”, – CBS Philly:

Investigators say the sexual attack happened while others were standing around on the train and “did nothing.”“Were they watching? I don’t know. Again, we’re still going through the video but there was a lot of people, in my opinion, that should’ve intervened. Somebody should’ve done something. It speaks to where we are in society. Who would allow something like that to take place? So it’s troubling but again, we’re working on that and we’re trying to identify anyone that we saw coming on and off the El at that time,” Upper Darby Police Superintendent Tim Bernhardt said.

Source: Woman Raped On El Train In Upper Darby While Others Stood Around And ‘Did Nothing,’ Police Say – CBS Philly

Excuse me:

If you asked Svetochka what would Kyle do in this case?

She could tell you in all honesty and she has seen personally how I would react to a woman being beaten…

The woman who is being attacked is a human being. It could be your mother, Grandma, sister or wife. People need to help and look out for each other, especially in these times of unrest, incivility, and hate! We must protect each other…

In my eyes: They’re are all the same as he is..


Upper Darby Police Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt said that while there were other people on the train, it was ultimately a SEPTA employee who made the call to 911, which allowed officers to arrest Ngoy on the spot. ‘It’s disturbing that there were definitely people on the L, and no one intervened or did anything to help this woman out,’ Bernhardt told NBC 10.’I have no words for it. I just can’t imagine seeing what you were seeing through your own eyes and seeing what this woman was going through that no one would step in and help her.’

Source: Pennsylvania man arrested for raping a woman inside a train while other riders ‘just watched’ | Daily Mail Online

The West is in descension and the East is in ascension…

There is something interconnecting the different wonders within the times we live:

China’s fast rising, Russia’s become alive once again, the breakdown of politically-sanctioned racial segregation in Africa, the ascent of the BLM in the US, the emination of Islamic patriotism’s, and so on and so on…

The common topic in these is by all accounts:

The antiquated are trying to stop the reinvigorated…

The astute among us:

Whether we like it or not, will detect the undeniable trends; The simpletons will continue to attempt to blow against the coming storm….The West “is in” descension and the east “is in” ascension….It can be slowed, but as in the term inevitable, it cannot be stopped…

I am glad I found an old fashion girl:

In an old fashion country, with which to live out the last few years of my old fashion life….the future is not mine anymore, I, many of you and the ones in power had my/our/their chance to make a mark upon this world long ago…

Now the “youth” must do their thing….and one day they will be right where I am at right now, watching and cringing at the youth on the march at that time….but being human, I will not be here to see it…


A gluttonous society that looks to annihilate kids for the sake of self-delight. You will possibly know the worth of what you lose when it is past the point where it is possible to recuperate.

This is no longer a case of one company or one person doing something…

It is now a case of the whole society from top to bottom doing something…

That “something” is what I question and wonder about!

It also is no longer a case of changing the direction that it is all going…

What use to be kept to the “Broadway” of life….has allowed Broadway to become life!

A gluttonous society that looks to annihilate kids for the sake of self-delight. You will possibly know the worth of what you lose when it is past the point where it is possible to recuperate…

I doubt you will ever see it…


PS: It would be hilarious, except we are past that point also…

PSS: Broadway: pertaining to, suitable for, or produced in the commercial theater, especially on Broadway: a Broadway show. acting…

GAZ – Not a Russian Problem, but look at the EU and USA…

СОФИЯ, 15 октября. /ТАСС/. Компания “Газпром” полностью выполняет долгосрочные контракты по поставкам газа в ЕС и не занимается манипулированием цен на газовом рынке. Об этом в четверг в интервью телеканалу bTV заявил заместитель главы Европейской комиссии (ЕК) Франс Тиммерманс, который находится в Болгарии с рабочим визитом.

SOFIA, October 15. / TASS /. Gazprom fully complies with long-term contracts for gas supplies to the EU and does not manipulate prices on the gas market. Deputy Head of the European Commission (EC) Frans Timmermans, who is in Bulgaria on a working visit, said this on Thursday in an interview with the bTV channel.

Source: В Еврокомиссии заявили, что Россия не манипулирует ценами на газ – Экономика и бизнес – ТАСС

There are two reasons reasons why gas prices are up all over Europe, one of them is a minor issue in the scope of things, and one very major and very serious in the nature it was allowed to become fruitful. The minor reason is that Brussels keeps postponing Nord Stream 2 at the behest of East European puppets and their masters in USA. The approval would solve the issue fairly fast for Ukraine cannot support through its antiquated system any higher volumes of Gaz (Gas). A all above issues are and are caused by self-induced wounds as per below paragraphs…

Now, the real issue is, and this is the real reason for the system to collapse, is that the EU rejected Gazprom’s offer for a long-term 25-years contract with a fixed price, and instead opted for “regulating” prices on the so-called “spot markets” as the way to get their gas and they did this for reasons that have no logic in my eyes…

So, now the “useless bottom feeders”, also known as “financial speculators”, are on gorging on the chaos. A chaos set up by the powers to be….You can be sure, this was very heavily lobbied by the financial lobby, of both Anglo-American and European designation…

It simply was a game poorly played for the masses and they few who played it are dancing in the streets with joy…

That is why they yell, “Look a squirrel!” and Russia gets blamed for the deeds of a few very rich and powerful people…

Hey, Look a Squirrel!


Putin Interview with CNBC

Интервью телеканалу CNBCПо окончании пленарного заседания форума «Российская энергетическая неделя» Владимир Путин дал интервью ведущей американского телеканала CNBC Хедли Гэмбл.

Source: Президент России

After the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week forum, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to Hadley Gamble, Anchor at CNBC, an American television network.

Source: Interview with CNBC • President of Russia