Everyday we are confronted with unorthodox information as unbending & undeniable truth…

Scientific consensus about so many things these days is the equivalent of the Church dogma controlled by Rome Saint-Office…

Those within the science community daring to raise hand to contradict the “official truth” are pagan and complotiste…

I don’t see much if any positive evolution of humanity, as we just change the witch hunting to meet the needs and agendas that we see before us in the modern age…

Round and round we go!


Received an E-Mail about Russian Drivers and an issue I have…

Got two e-mails yesterday from two different Oleg’s from far apart locations, found that interesting and useful.

“There is everything at the crossroads! Markings, signs and traffic lights. Only driving culture is missing.” – Oleg

Then later in the day:

Hello there!

Just checked on you, Kyle, on “Windowstorussia”, to learn about your coming MRI.
You hang in there. Here’s something, that you may find handy:


Best regards,


The first one is exactly the main issue with Russian drivers. The driving culture and the reason I am looking at this in the first place is that now, there are becoming lots and lots of new videos and they seem to be state sponsored for the most part. They encompass driving rules and penalties for driving wrong….cams at intersections record unbelievable violations in driving daily (within a few minutes, if they actually fined the issues, you are talking about tens of thousands of rubles never ending). They are trying to show how dangerous these violations can be to normal daily life….from cross-walkers/crossroads/highways humans to crosswalk/crossroads/highway vehicle violations. I know many Russians see it and I know it is frustrating to many as it is to me…

The second one is one (a video) that I am and have listened to yesterday and this morning again. I find it useful and it is a serious issue that I have to deal with….the video is useful for me personally and maybe for you or someone you know?…

Information is vital in your health…

Thanks to both Oleg’s…


Saturday in TRV…

Yup, that is about what it is…

Up at 3 a.m. two cups of coffee. Checking on if the world has decided to blow itself up and no, it is still there. More hate against Russia and more hate against China by the West, kinda exceedingly redundant at this point…

Tossed four small tiny meat pies in the oven and getting ready to take Sammy the Volga to the Big Village. -4 this morning and my mechanic will drop me off at the main highway and I will walk the three kilometers back home to TRV…

The pies are really good…

Sammy and I will go a bit early so that I can grab a couple of things at the store and hope to see her back by at least by Sunday night. Time to replace some air/temp sensors to make her run better…

When I get back from my stroll in the wilderness, I will start getting the homes ready for Sveta to come in about a week. I hope that she is able to get everything in order to spend at least a week (or two, please) here and then we are off back to Moscow, Russia…

I have to have an MRI done of my head and neck and a colonoscope with surgery’s done of my digestive track. My suspicions are that I have hardening of the arteries (Atherosclerosis) in my neck and we will find that I have issues definitely in my intestines, from several hernias to ???…

I also want to make sure that my tumor in my brain I fought with many years ago is still a ghost and not deciding to wake up again…

Life goes on and I enjoy every second that I am given extra in life and that my friends is all you can do and should do…


Thought: Latest Bond movie, Goodbye and it has been a great ride…

I knew Daniel Craig’s said clearly that this was his last James Bond movie, but who knew that 007 would be permanently vaporized off the planet in “No Time To Die”? His death is pretty clear cut and I was kinda like, “No way, James Bond does not die!”…

Yet not even Bond can ignore that the missiles falling on him are a bit thorough in their execution, and having Bond get up out of his casket and saying, “Bond, James Bond” with a “shaken not stirred” martini. Just will not happen…. for you have to have more than a body vaporized to resurrect, okay it could but that would be beyond imagination even for Hollywood…

Daniel Craig has been my favorite Bond and I have seen every Bond from the beginning with “Dr. No” to “No Time to Die”….I have also read all of Ian Fleming’s books on Bond. The books are better yet for me…

The movie is good, not the best Bond, but damn good and the ending signifies the end for me to watch them anymore. For it is easy to see that this has left the road open for a “woke” probably gay/female Bond and simply put, that ain’t gonna cut the mustard in the world of 007…

James Bond like so much of my life has been there from the beginning and like so much even James Bond has fallen to the new world…

I think I cut my losses and will remember James Bond as perceived in its infancy, when I was a young punk. Some things are better left alone and I will remember Bond standing at the end waiting for the missiles to hit the silos…

Goodbye 007!