We need balance and that my friend is where we have lost the way….without balance, we are just mentally lopsided blobs…

My thinking time:

But dammit, where is the coffee shop?

I think that so many people have become detached from their roots and our roots are all centered upon the land, our earth. I think that roads like this scare so many people and heaven forbid to cross a bridge that has no hand rails. I think that  if everyone would walk a rural path daily and breath the fresh air daily and watch nature daily, life would be a better place. I think that someone who sits in their office and is bored simply spends their time thinking of bad things to do…

I walked this road above and saw:

Mister Foxy Fox, Mrs. Eagle, Mr. Hawk, Playful Chickadee, Mouthy Sparrow, Minuscule Mouse, Fat Wood Rat, Jr. Jumping Fish, Mr. Bumble Bee, and lots more, like Majestic Tree, Baby Fields, Blooming Thistles and more…

They all said Hi and they all went about their business doing what they do everyday to enjoy life…

They did not sit around and plan others demise. They did not act bored. They did not play with a cellphone. They simply, lived life according to nature. The American Indians had thoughts about nature. One I like is below…

Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children. – Ancient American Indian Proverb

I would add to the above quote and I am sure that they just assumed that we would always do this: How we raise our children is how the earth will be treated…

I imagine a world that people do not sit constantly at a desk bored, a world that does not consume our youth with video games and cellphones, a world that evil/bad/idle thoughts are overridden by doing things constructive, instead of nonconstructive….embracing nature instead of excessive unneeded material items manufactured from the earth’s products…

I realize that everything I need to shelter, feed and live a good life can be found in nature and if you embrace nature, you will never be bored and lonely…

Yet I also realize that here I sit behind a keyboard at 2:38 a.m., yet I will spend a few hours at that and then I will go outside and work/play/create…

We need balance and that my friend is where we have lost the way….without balance, we are just mentally lopsided blobs…

Oh and the coffee shop is in my kitchen…


Funny how things happen…

Since Sammy the Volga is gone and it looks like I will be all week without her. I decided to check out the fence that has a woodpile that sits right in front of her. The fence was leaning and pushing on the wood pile….so I did what any grouchy bear would do, and as I said, “Oh look at this lilac tree!”, I pushed on the lilac tree to see what is all the fuss about…

A lilac tree has grown into the fence and as I removed a tiny bit of the weight of the tree from the fence, crack and twist went the post….and forward fell the whole wood pile. That made me stop and stare and mumble some choice beautiful words of wisdom and then said to whom it may concern, “Well, I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow!”

Therefore, I will move the woodpile to a new home and I will trim the lilac back and I will fix the fence…

Just as well Sammy is not here, for it would have smashed against her front end…

Speaking of Sammy the Volga, she is still being worked on and the young man had finally found a another guy in the Big Village with a computer connection for the brain (as tiny as it is) in Sammy. They are going through all the sensors and replacing any that seem to have questions about them as the software checks them. Good thing she is not a new car….for she only has a dozen sensors, not hundreds…

We do know that one sensor that was out completely was a sensor to regulate the fuel supply. Now we will get much better fuel mileage. That is good…

I was going to town this week to get a birthday gift for Vova, my Russian buddy and it looks like I will have to walk to the main highway and grab the bus to the Big Village. Then do my thing and take the bus back to the bus stop….it really is just part of life in the Tiny Russian Village and since Vova is going to be 70 years old and he really is surprised he has made it this far. This birthday is special to him…

Just my thoughts this morning as I get ready to start my day. Guess I will grab the wheelbarrow and get busy. Dark and or light outside doesn’t matter, still has to be done…

Have a nice day!


The Saga of Sassy continues: Mikhail Saakashvili not feeling good in Georgian prison…

TBILISI, October 10. /TASS/. The health condition of Georgian ex-President Mikhail Saakashvili, who has been on a hunger strike in prison since October 1, has deteriorated and he needs to be taken to hospital, his personal doctor Nikoloz Kipshidze said on Sunday.

Source: Saakashvili needs hospitalization as his health deteriorated – doctor – Society & Culture – TASS

I still have to ask, “Why did he go back to Georgia?” & “Hasn’t he learned that the his puppet masters do not support him after he does what they say?”

Sassy is in love with a Ukrainian politician and his wife said, “What?”

~ Free Sassy, Free Sassy, Free Sassy ~


Captain Kirk will make it to space…

Blue Origin confirmed on Monday that legendary Star Trek actor William Shatner would be a part of the company’s next space tourism flight later this month, becoming the oldest person to visit space. At the age of 90, Shatner will surpass Mary Wallace ‘Wally’ Funk as the oldest person to head into space.

Source: Star Trek icon William Shatner will become the oldest person ever to visit space | Daily Mail Online

Just put a smile on my face this morning…

How fitting and wish his a good ride…


Update: Yes he did it and is safely home again….90 years old!

Lets talk about Agriculture: President of Russia AG Meeting

Before we begin, I would like to once again wish all the best on Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers’ Day, which we marked yesterday, October 10, to everyone who works in this industry: researchers, agronomists, farmers, workers, machine operators, livestock specialists – everyone. Largely thanks to your dedicated work, my friends, we have seen a good harvest even in this year’s difficult weather conditions. It will meet Russia’s demand for all major food groups.

Source: Meeting on science and technology support for agriculture development • President of Russia

I know that in The Ryazan Area the crops did very very well…