Get this under control Russia, don’t act like a Guantanamo Bay by the USA…

Kinda waiting and watching how much of this is true and how much is falsified. The source is very questionable….yet I do believe that truth is being told….for this is a world wide issue…

“If the authenticity of these materials is confirmed, then, of course, this is a pretext for a serious investigation,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday, stressing that “first we must quickly, but calmly, establish the authenticity of these materials.”

Source: Russian prison officers fired amid probe into shocking videos, purporting to show rape & torture of detainees in secure hospital — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

But no surprises if it is true. Prisons/Jails are not a very pleasant place to be and I know, I have been in several for wrong reasons…

That is why such issues bother me….you would be surprised at how many people are in prisons in the world and never did anything wrong and or nothing wrong that should entail going to prison…

So Russia, get on it and take care of this issue….you are a better country than this and please do not let the perpetrators get off with a simple expulsion and slap on the wrist…


Okay, maybe just maybe…

See, being grouchy, waiting and looking even grouchier helps…

This is how I look when waiting patiently for others to get things done…

My My yes it does!

Father Pavel called and said that he had a good talk with the Electric Company Boss and they will get the rotted electric pole replaced….(I am using my imagination and letting it imagine how a “Orthodox Monk” twists arms to get things done. I imagine, “Monk Mafia!”, Yes I like it)

The culvert is on its way thanks to the Fish Village and father Pavel again…

Ivan our mechanic in the Big Village has gotten the parts for Sammy the Volga, so this weekend Sammy goes to stay at the Big Village…

And NO, the Russian Post Office has no idea where the package from the US is, so far! (Oh to be me….how do I tell Sammy the Volga, if the post office ate her baby car model? I should never have shown her pictures of the model…)

Another day…


Sassy is in love with a Ukrainian politician and his wife said, “What?”

I would like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with this guy. This is not a smart ass thing I say. I actually would love to sip coffee and listen to the line of Bull this guy would spin as you talk. Mikheil Saakashvili is one of those people on this planet that is able to help you understand the degree of mental illness present within the human mind. We all have it, yet some just live by it and to get more insight over a cup of coffee would be fantastic…

At the end of a previous article I added the tidbit about Sassy in love…

Georgia: See Sassy get Brassy, see Sassy appear, see Sassy arrested, see Sassy wanna go home!

Well it seems to be true and his wife kinda seems to have been kept out of the loop on this love affair. Which seems normal if you are cheating around on someone…

The wife of former Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili has described her shock at his unexpected declaration of love for a top Ukrainian lawmaker before dramatically flying back to his homeland to be arrested and put on trial.On Wednesday, Sandra Roelofs revealed that the news of her husband’s relationship with Yelyzaveta Yasko, an MP from the governing Servant of the People party, came out of the blue.”Many confused friends and associates are asking me about my personal life. I will not hide from you that the content of the video, made on Friday night, was unexpected for me, and the form it took was completely unacceptable,” Roelofs wrote on Facebook. Source: Bombshell announcement ex-Georgian president Saakashvili is in love with sultry Ukrainian politician came as surprise, wife admits — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Sassy Sassy Sassy, you are in a pickle and now your wife is gonna kick your “Brassy Sassy Assy” also…

Sassy have you not ever heard of the saying?

“You went full retard man. Never go full retard.” – Tropic Thunder.

So all I can say is…

~~ Free Sassy – Free Sassy – Free Sassy! ~~


Beast of a Soviet Heater: Took a walk yesterday, met a guy who said look, take it and I took it…

Weighs around 50 kilos (110 pounds for you Americans) and after sending Svetochka a few pictures to verify what I knew already. I decided to get this 1982 Soviet Union made heater home and see if it is as good as I suspected….now I understand how bad life had become for me….I was carrying this heater that weighs almost as much as I have lost in kilos. Being fat is a bad thing people and don’t kid yourself that being fat is all hunky-dory….better listen you “body positive fatsos”….it is the perfect ticket to diabetes, heart issues, arthritis issues and a dozen more fat related issues…

I know all about it…

I guess it is made in 1981 and sold as a 1982 model? It is in great shape except where someone who was not very knowledgeable tried to rewire it. It has varnish coated wires within the insulating jacket of the plugin cord. They wired a new cord spliced to the old varnished wires and did not clean the varnish off and as I grew up with lots of devices with varnished wires (Insulating mainly against moisture usage/issues!), I was taught how to splice non-varnished wires to varnished wires…

I imagine that someone tried to repair the device and found that something as simple as what I described above, made it look as if it really was a bad device?

Varnish is not a bad insulator against electricity…

I checked it over good and fired it up after fixing what needed to be fixed and after it warmed up the 3 to 4 cm thick steel plate, it was an heating animal. It is rated at 220 volts and a 1000 watts. But it puts out heat like three modern electric heaters running at the same time. Then with so much mass, it took almost two hours to cool down. I see how this will be a very important addition when -30 C. (-22 F) hits in a winter night…

Very glad to have been in the right place at the right time…

Father Pavel called and asked if the electric company had replaced the rotted pole….nope and he said he was personally meeting with the man in charge and having a discussion with him about said electric pole…

Father Pavel is a good man and he is one who tries and does his best to do what he says he will do. This is becoming an uncommon trait in our societies nowadays…

-3 C this morning and it looks like either today and or no later than tomorrow the fish guys will have the lake empty and done. Then the owner of the lakes and fish farm told Father Pavel that he will be bringing out a ten meter culvert pipe to our home. Just had to get done with the fish first….they are giving the pipe to us free. All we have to do is donate to the monastery the so much needed cold hard cash, so that it can pay some wages to all the people helping to work on it. That sounds like a fair deal to me and Sveta has already sent a donation to Father Pavel…

So, I believe that I may just take a walk and see what is happening around the village this morning. You never know….I might just find a super duper Soviet heater?