What I see coming and we can’t stop it from happening, until it happens…

Sooner than later, you’ll need to take a grocery bag full of the “Dollar $” in order to buy a McDonald combo meal:

If someone had said to me a long time ago…

That my teenage memories of picking a young gal up for a date (and after meeting her dad), filling the fuel tank on my car, eat at McDonald’s for two, go to the movies, buy popcorn – candy – drink for two, go to the county fair after the movie, all for less than five bucks (and I still had enough money to grab two bean burritos from Taco Bell after getting that gal home by 10 p.m. to keep her dad happy)…

If someone had said to me that one day that “$5 Dollars” would hardly buy a Big Mac!

I would have thought that they were stupid…


I think that this Putin meeting sums up the Gas issue real well in Europe

I have to say that there has been all kinds of speculation on Ukraine’s gas transit system and deliveries through this country. I would like to reiterate that under the contract we have to pump 40 billion cubic metres of gas through Ukraine’s gas transit system per year. In the first nine months of 2021, Gazprom increased its supplies, or should I say transit volumes through Ukraine, by more than eight percent. We have every right to believe that we will exceed our contractual obligations in terms of gas transit through Ukraine. Further increasing these volumes does not make economic sense for Gazprom, since costs will also be higher. It is much cheaper to supply gas using the new pipelines, saving us about $3 billion per year for the supply volumes in question. In addition, I would like to inform those who actually care about preserving the environment, instead of just using this as a political weapon, that the new pipelines that were launched over the past years or are about to become operational can reduce CO2 emissions 5.6 times thanks to their new equipment. Accordingly, supply volumes go up, while emissions go down. This has to do with the superior characteristics of these pipelines enabling them to pump gas at a higher pressure.Everyone must know this. – Source: Meeting on development of the energy industry • President of Russia

Mainly what has to be remembered is that the Ukraine gas pipeline is at max for its age and ability to safely carry gas. Ukraine has failed to upgrade its pipeline over the years and now it is a ticking time bomb waiting for the mistake to happen…

You should have all facts before pointing fingers and blaming all others…



“But one mustn’t increase it further. Everyone keeps hinting us: increase the supply through Ukraine even more. It is dangerous to increase it! The gas transit system there has not seen repairs for decades. If we increase the pressure, the pipe will probably just burst. Europe will be left without this route at all,” Putin noted.He explained that the wear of the Ukrainian gas transit system is above 80%.”Nobody wants to listen to and hear anything; everyone only seeks to accuse Russia of something,” the head of state concluded.

Source: Further increase of gas transit through Ukrainian system dangerous, Putin notes – Business & Economy – TASS

Melting frost dripping noise and leaves slowly raining down this morning…

The peacefulness this morning was as during a slow rain shower. Except it is cold and the rain drops are thawing frost and the leaves are the fat rain drops weaving to the ground…

I sat and enjoyed the little monkey birds chirping and sipped a cup of hot coffee….I realized in the video that you can hear the fish guys emptying the lake of fish. That background roaring is water being pumped in a massive stream to aerate a small area of lake stuffed with lots of fish…

Good for the soul to just listen and watch…


This is how I look when waiting patiently for others to get things done…

I am waiting for the electric company to do their job, yes I know good luck with that…

The electric company jammed their van on a boulder and left it in the road and I moved it. Thank you guys for the boulder…

I am waiting for a package to come from the USA…

Sammy The Volga Model is done and working out the shipping issues…

Sammy the Volga Cardboard Model…

I am waiting for some parts (three sensors) for Sammy the Volga to fix the startup idle issue since it got very cold outside….an issue that stems from work we had done and had to have redone….and still finding issues…

Poor Sammy the Volga…


I am waiting for a culvert pipe to be delivered from civilization to ten buck two, our Tiny Russian Village…

I am waiting for pigs to fly and put on lipstick…

I am waiting for world peace and harmony (Good Luck with that)…

I am waiting for my SweetPea to show up on the 18th of October…

Well that is my look, as I get everything done that I can do within my powers and then I have to wait. Actually, that is my happy face, you know, because I am waiting…

This is also the look I give when people tell me that I am a fake American living in Russia to promote propaganda!

Enjoy my happy face….look a pig flying, Oops no lipstick…


PS: I am also waiting for why metformin that I take for blood sugar stability smells so damn bad… Lordy Be…

Here we go again and again and again expel more Russian diplomats

WASHINGTON, Oct 5 (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic and Republican senators urged President Joe Biden on Tuesday to expel 300 Russian diplomats from the United States if Moscow does not issue more visas for Americans to represent Washington in Russia. Source: U.S. senators suggest expelling 300 Russian diplomats amid embassy dispute | Reuters

Here is a copy of the letter:

Letter to Biden.ssci-04oct21

Hmm….I remember when Obama, threw many Russian Diplomats out of the US, at Christmas time, five years ago!

Kinda pissed this morning; Good job America close those Russian Consulates…

Now we whine and throw tantrums for years because we lost access to our spy network in Moscow, owing to the fact that Russia actually retaliated to our aggression. If the USA tries to expel more, then they will lose even more of their “spies” over in the US Embassy in Moscow…

Here we go again and again and again…