After soul searching we have come to the conclusion that the monastery at TRV is on the right track…

Father Pavel and his Tiny Russian Village monastery project is a good thing. Svetochka and I support what is happening. At first we were conflicted, yet after all these years and seeing what is being done, the only way that TRV will survive is if the monastery rebuilds itself to actually that, a monastery again…

A visit to the monastery of St. Nicholas – Посещение святой обители святителя Николая

Before the village, before the school for the deaf, blind and dumb, before the monastery was destroyed in Soviet Times….there was a very special Female Monastery by itself upon our hill/mountain. Founded here because there was a natural water source and a holy water source nearby…

Gods Place: A Blessed Water Source…

If I was a rich man?

I would sink the millions of dollars that I don’t have and drive the rebuilding of the monastery to its former glory. I would even push to return to the female monastery status. Yet, that will not happen. Yet, we will give what we can and hope that more and more gets done…

This images is when it was a school…

Village / Monastery Images from the old days…

Our Village Monastery in Russia – The St. Nicholas Monastery…

There are very few places in the world that God is present. Man has destroyed so much and so raped the world in so many places. Man has lost so much that has been freely allowed to him and with all that man has lost his spiritual way…

The Tiny Russian Village is a place where God still speaks/acts/motivates freely and all we have to do is listen/feel…

This is even after the almost total destruction of this monastery by some very bad individuals at the past times…

I can honestly say that the elder spirits are at peace now at the old village and God still has his hand on guiding the place. Humans are not always good at listening. They even found the cemetery finally….they had whom I called a Preacher Boy before Bishop Mathew and then Father Pavel and Preacher Boy brought set backs upon TRV that took many years to straighten out…

The importance of TRV to me is paramount for many reasons. Sometimes the reasons are not clear to me and life pushes me away from the goal. Yet, I see what is and what can be at the Tiny Russian Village with its very unique monastery…


I never knew, or I would have gone into a conniption fit ~~~~

How did the world survive? I just woke to the end of the world and I missed it…

On Monday, users around the world reported a massive disruption in the activities of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Facebook, which owns these social networks and the messenger, confirmed information about the problems and assured that they are working to fix them. The global outage lasted more than 6,5 hours.

Source: Users notice Facebook, Instagram resume activities – Business & Economy – TASS

I missed it all and I did not get to have a conniption fit…

Oh Well!

Back to working around the Tiny Russian Village and hope that they go down permanently, so I can have my own conniption fit!


Just a normal day at the Tiny Russian Village

Burn Baby Burn – Trying to warm up the Tiny Russian Village

Took two days of burning nasty stuff and I have finally cleaned our small field of years of abuse. The neighbors love to toss everything over their back fence. You know! Vodka bottles, tree limbs, rusty buckets and what ever else catches their fancy…

Today I make three trips to their dump area near them and toss what they should have hauled there in the first place!

Also – Looking like the monastery will get its fence done soon…


Georgia: See Sassy get Brassy, see Sassy appear, see Sassy arrested, see Sassy wanna go home!

My favorite political puppet is back: Sassy taken to Georgian jail (Mikheil Saakashvili)

And….oops it was better where I was at…

“Now, he (Saakashvili – TASS) is strongly requesting to be taken back to Ukraine. He has realized that he is in prison, in a difficult situation. He tells prison officials: ‘Bring me back to Ukraine immediately!’ You see the condition he is in. Why has he come here? Was he so naive to think we are blind here and nothing would follow his arrival?,” Garibashvili said.

Source: Saakashvili to be able to return to Ukraine after serving prison term – Georgian PM – World – TASS

I am sure the comedian will help…

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday he will personally engage in returning Georgia’s former president Mikheil Saakashvili back to Ukraine from a prison in Georgia as he holds a Ukrainian passport.

Source: Zelenskiy vows to engage in returning Saakashvili back to Ukraine | Reuters

Why Sassy why?

Now they say at least six years in prison and it looks like now that they got him….they will file more charges…

Saakashvili is a interesting person and it is like the “Powers To Be” love to make him look stupid….he eats ties, starts wars and boldly crosses the Georgian border after he has been convicted and no one helps him. He is just doing what he is told. Sassy is a very abused Puppet for the West and I think it is unfair…really I do….I am not kidding, I like the guy. He is borderline stupid (maybe completely stupid) for the things he does, he pays for all his crappy actions and doings under orders of his bosses, yet so many times he is left constantly hanging out to dry by his handlers…

Sassy is a perfect example of embracing the wrong side of the political spectrum…

Free Sassy Free Sassy Free Sassy


What the heck is this…

Former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and Ukrainian MP from the ruling Servant of the People party Liza Yasko have announced their relationship on Facebook earlier this evening.Yasko, 31, posted a video on her Facebook page with Saakashvili in which the ex-president of Georgia, who was detained by Georgian law enforcement just several hours ago, said that he had created a new family with Yasko……..Saakashvili until now has been officially married to Sandra Roelofs. The couple got married in 1993 in New York. An official announcement about their divorce has not been made yet.

Source: Ex-president of Georgia Saakashvili announces ‘new family’ with Ukrainian MP Liza Yasko [VIDEO]


Free Sassy Free Sassy Free Sassy he has found love…

Pandora Papers, conveniently left out any US connections…

Here we go again…

Millions of leaked documents and the biggest journalism partnership in history have uncovered financial secrets of 35 current and former world leaders, more than 330 politicians and public officials in 91 countries and territories, and a global lineup of fugitives, con artists and murderers. Source: Offshore havens and hidden riches of world leaders and billionaires exposed in unprecedented leak – ICIJ


So therefore the list is inconclusive, the papers are a lie and if you point fingers? Remember to look at yourself first…

Always ask why and look at the agenda!

~~ I know what happened: If they put the US leaders there would be no room left for the anyone else. You Know! Too much paper, ink, date space, keyboard strokes, battery power, labor, CPU cycles, whatever used to print/post the stupid thing….save resources… ~~

I believe…