The electric company jammed their van on a boulder and left it in the road and I moved it. Thank you guys for the boulder…

I saw that the electric company guys had an issue when they came and tried to drive across my yard area in the wrong place. They ran into a boulder that the snow plow in the winter time had dredged up and it ended up in the road blocking the road halfway. I did what any good homeowner would do and utilized this chunk of massive stone and blocked my walkway (not a driveway) with it. Sveta wants me to paint a happy face on it and I will do just that…

It’s just a Tiny Russian Village: Electric Company is allocating resources…

I almost met my old grouchy bear limits with this boulder. It is around 300 kilos and while I use to be invincible, in my mind when young, this rock gave me realization lessons…

It is a boulder: a boulder is a rock fragment with size greater than 256 millimeters (or 10.1 inches) in diameter. It definitely meets that requirement easily….(I always wondered why, 256 mm and not 300 mm and or why not 10 inches and or 11 inches and or 12 inches? I dunno…)

Yes when you grab something that weighs 6X what you weigh and you are as old as the hills, life gets interesting…

Thanks electric guys, I wanted that tidbit of rock and just did not have the energy to dig it up. Yet, they stimulated the incentive within me and I did it!


My favorite political puppet is back: Sassy taken to Georgian jail (Mikheil Saakashvili)

~~ Life has been rough without my favorite Western Political Puppet in the news. ~~

~~ Yet bless Sassy’s heart, “He heard my desires.”, “He felt my sadness.” and in perfect Sassy style. ~~

~~ Mikheil Saakashvili has just reentered the arena of puppets and made my day. ~~

I smiled today when Sassy sprang into the news!

Saakashvili was arrested shortly after his arrival and was taken to a correctional facility in the city of Rustavi, located some 25km southeast of the capital Tbilisi. Police footage broadcast by local media shows a large convoy of police vehicles entering the jail’s premises with lights flashing. The handcuffed politician is brought for his perp walk shortly afterwards. Saakashvili appeared to be smiling broadly during this ‘photo opportunity’.
Source: WATCH handcuffed ex-President Saakashvili taken to Georgian jail as prosecutors vow to put him behind bars for AT LEAST 6 years — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

~~ But don’t despair about his arrest, Sassy will just starve himself to death and show everyone who is boss. ~~

TBILISI (Sputnik) – Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili goes on a hunger strike after his arrest, he does not agree with the charges and considers himself a political prisoner, Georgian Ombudswoman Nino Lomjaria told reporters.
Source: Saakashvili Goes on Hunger Strike, Considers Himself Political Prisoner, Ombudswoman Says – 01.10.2021, Sputnik International

~~ Yes folks, the KING of PUPPETS for the Western game sessions at the sandbox is back. ~~

You know life is happy for me at least: Saakashvili wants to go back to Georgia…

Forever following Sassy Brassy… (Mikheil Saakashvili)

I really like to see what this guy is up to. He is the classic political puppet and even as he fumbles his way around….I give him total credit for trying hard at what he does….he may not be the smoothest operator, but he is a classic…

Sassy! Sassy! Sassy!


PS: Please do not ask why Sassy would go back to Georgia where he is a wanted criminal! Do not worry about the tiny details. Just know that Sassy got his orders from his bosses in the western world and in perfect Sassy Brassy style, he is doing his best to be a good puppet. Sassy is like that Timex Watch….”It takes a licking and keeps on ticking”

TBILISI, October 1. /TASS/. Georgian ex-President Mikhail Saakashvili, detained in the republic earlier, declared a hunger strike and demanded a meeting with a Ukrainian consul, Georgian ombudsman Nino Lomdzharia said after meeting with Saakashvili Friday. “When I came in, he was at the doctor and was undergoing a medical exam. We were allowed to talk in the prison cell later. Mikhail Saakashvili said that he declares a huger strike,” Lomdzharia said. “He disagrees with the sentences against him and considers himself a political prisoner,” the ombudsman added.

Source: Saakashvili declares hunger strike in prison – ombudsman – World – TASS

So now you understand that the USA is actually oil poor…

All info is based upon 2016 data. Last year of complete data. Oops…

Oil Reserves in the United States

See also: List of countries by Oil Reserves

The United States holds 35,230,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 11th in the world and accounting for about 2.1% of the world’s total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels.

The United States has proven reserves equivalent to 4.9 times its annual consumption. This means that, without imports, there would be about 5 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

Thus, why all the hate against oil rich countries…

The USA has wasted its oil and now wasting its gas…


It’s just a Tiny Russian Village: Electric Company is allocating resources…

Father Pavel the head of the monastery at our Tiny Russian Village is working on the issue and is in contact daily with the head of the local electric company. Two men, whom said they are specialists, came yesterday and looked at the situation….they said, “Yup, the pole is dangerous and we cannot even climb it to cut the wires off it!”

Better yet, “Yup it’s broken!”

I just stand there and look around inside my head and wonder about life at that point….for the pole has been bad for many years and the home falling has been rotted more years than that. Yet, you have to smile and thank the experts at their wisdom. For they have all the power (no pun intended) as to whether the pole gets done sooner than later…

So now, since the pole is so bad, cutting wires and doing maintenance is out of the question, now we are in reactive mode, not proactive mode. The electric company has to allocate resources, gather those resources and bring out heavy equipment to replace the pole…

This is that moment that you want to scream, “I have been trying to get you all going for almost two years on this subject!” Yet, that would just make things worse and they would go home and act like that crazy American is well, “That crazy American and what does he know?”

Mornings are crunchy in the Tiny Russian Village and the electric company…

This is another for information, for future issues article at TRV… (Electric Company in Ryazan Area ignoring rotted power pole and falling home.)

So now I wait again to see how and when and at what speed the gears of the electric company turn as they allocate resources to fix what is an issue that should have been fixed many years ago…

Yet the realization is that it has taken a well connected Father Pavel and his interest to help us get this done, to get it to this point. Then as I was thinking about how slow Russians are. Hell, a snail can out run a Russian trying to decide if they want to work or not…

I remembered years ago in America:

I called the electric company to connect my home to electricity in the USA. I had jumped all hoops and mole hills. I installed the entrance pole myself, the power box myself and buried the cable to the home myself and dealt with all the permits and met all the requirements….everything approved and this was no small feat for the home was in ten buck two and getting someone to come out took weeks at a time…

Finally the power company after a month delay, they had to gather resources you know, came out and found that my pole was one foot to far from the main power pole. They only allow resources for so many feet of main cable. No variance and no leeway!

I stood there and watched these guys pack it all up and they said, “Call when you get it correct!”

So, I started all over and had to get all the same inspectors back, move the pole that I installed and no one could explain why the inspectors had different rules and regulations than the electric company….yet I did it….I was lucky for I had left two feet of excess cable for the entrance at the pole, because I was lazy actually and had only to move the entrance pole closer to the main pole. Yet again, my pole was embedded in a huge concrete base that as per inspectors had to be done. So, moving the pole was not a small feat in itself…

I was done finally and the inspectors were happy. The pole was two feet closer, all approved, the power box was approved, the connections approved and everyone got paid again for permits that had already been paid for once…

This time it took only a week for the power company to come out and they strung the wires to my pole….except they said that a new change had come through and the power box I had installed was not up to the new county codes. Rule number blah blah blah and all that…

Yes you got it:

I called the county inspectors and bought a new entrance power box that met the new since I started this year long project codes, paid the permit fees again and installed the box according to regulations again….and less than a week later the power company came out to finish installing the lines, after one last visit by the county inspector…

Four men came to connect the line that was already to go and they sat for four hours after connecting the line, in their truck and sipped whiskey and blasted the local music station as they enjoyed life….they told me that I did a good job and all looks good…

I went to the home and flipped the breakers in the home box and everything worked perfect. I sat on my porch and listened to the music blasting from the electric truck and said to myself, “What doesn’t kill us makes us better!”

I guess that stupidity and laziness is a world wide thing, better yet a human thing and I just have to smile and thank all the people helping me try to get this issue done…

Thanks Sweetpea and Father Pavel of the monastery, for my Russian command of the language is not near good enough to help me get this done…

I have a porch and maybe soon I can sit on it and listen to the Russian electric guys blast music and sip their vodka for a job well done….better yet, maybe I should buy a case of vodka and entice them to “Get Er Done”…


This video is exactly how it is to drive in Russia and this is why I drive very defensively…


A normal trip even to the Big Village, which is only 20 kilometers, will entail at least two of these type of drivers. They will drive on your side of the road and not care if you get out of the way or not…

The other day when I went to the Big Village, this woman (about 30 to 40 years old) was on my side of the road and just driving along like she was sightseeing, right at me. I stopped and pulled over to the shoulder. There was not another soul anywhere in sight….she drove by me and never looked at me and never went to her side of the road. She was not weaving and looked calm…I dunno? But I realize that if I did not pull over and or get out of the way, she would have run into to me, there is no doubt in my mind…

I am not sure of this mentality, yet the roads are full of these “Russian Kamikaze Idiots”…

I realize that I have found these types all over the world, but in Russia as per percent of drivers, they are plentiful and dangerous. I dunno…

My solution would be to drag them out of their cars and beat their ass silly and maybe they would learn to quit putting everyone’s lives in danger! Yet I am too old and would get my ass beat instead….These are the same idiots that run crosswalks and stop lights constantly. It is like they have no comprehension of what they are doing behind the wheel of the car…

Other than that most driving is wonderful in Russia…


In Russia: Sidewalks Are Made For Driving?