Mornings are crunchy in the Tiny Russian Village and the electric company…

Getting cold…

The power company has finally responded, well somewhat responded….it took Father Pavel the head of the monastery to get some reaction from them. Then they asked a strange thing and yet I did it. They wanted me to get an image of the electric meter….so I crawled around in a collapsing building and did just that….always up for fun!

The old meters make a weird wailing scratching sound constantly. Like an eerie witch singing on the power lines. I call it the stolen souls calling out!

Took some more images…

Fell through the floor at one place and verily caught myself from falling all the way into the basement area. Was covered in trash and mud and actually grouchy but a happy bear while acting like a kid… 😉

Not going back that is for sure. The main roof beams are rotted off and as you can see, not much left of the inside….well at least the calendar girls are still looking good!

We have to get this building disconnected from the power lines, for it is beyond doubt that it will fall this winter as the snow piles up and the wires are live to the building and they will rip our lines off our home…

Lets hope today that we hear more about this wonderful situation…

Yes and thanks to Svetochka and Father Pavel for working on this issue…


This is another for information, for future issues article at TRV… (Electric Company in Ryazan Area ignoring rotted power pole and falling home.)

Someone should have told Ukraine, “Never bite the hands that feed you!”

Ukraine has been really pissy (Re. arrogantly argumentative) lately about GAZ, GAS, you know that pipeline stuff…

Hungary has signed a new 15-year natural-gas supply deal with Russia’s state-controlled energy giant Gazprom in a move sharply criticized by Ukraine. The agreement was signed by Gazprom and Hungarian energy group MVM executives at the Foreign Ministry in Budapest on September 27, during a visit by the Russian company’s chief Aleksei Miller.

Source: Hungary Signs New Long-Term Gas Supply Deal With Russia

When you follow the worlds biggest terrorist (USA)….You are gonna get burned…

That is directed your way Ukraine…

I hope the US will pay up all the lost transit fees after all the EU changes their supply route to get away from the political and theft of Ukraine with pipeline gas? The USA is behind this whole mess…

But the US will just bite Ukraine’s hands off sooner than later…


PS: Russia at on numerous occasions has expressed, that the rate structure and agreement to ship gas through Ukraine from Russia runs from “2020 to 2024” and that will not change, until the agreement expires 2024. Like any agreement on expiry, it may or may not be re-negotiated. That remains to be seen. It is basically up to the companies and countries negotiating the new contracts….Ukraine and it’s “Bosses” are just stirring the pot to cause more instability in the region…

Time to check/winterize Sammy the Volga and what happened to the model?

So today I go to the Big Village and gather antifreeze, oil filter, oil, new fan temp switch and some other goodies to winterize Sammy. Sammy the Volga has to survive through up to -40 C winters and that means maintenance is vital. Though, I have to say, when it gets that cold, I do not attempt to start her (much less start myself). Just not worth it…

Looks like we will get a break from all the rain, so time to get things done…

Sammy The Volga Model is done and working out the shipping issues…

Things that ship from the USA almost always end up a real hassle…

75 days and last known was Nairobi, Kenya? No idea why the US sent it to Kenya in the first place when in the past anything shipped from the US has gone into Europe proper, not Africa to get to Russia…

24 Jul 2021 14:15
Departed. Your item departed a transfer airport in JOMO KENYATTA INTL, NAIROBI, KENYA on July 24, 2021 at 2:15 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination. NAIROBI, KENYA

Maybe the model had to drive itself the rest of the way? Or someone really liked it and stole it? Or it has been smashed flat as a pancake and paves a road somewhere? Or…

At least we have images of her!

That damn Postal Monster better stay away from Sammy…

Where oh where is our package?


Thoughts that cross my mind over this gas supply issue in Europe…

Coffee Cup for the EU…

1. Where are all these other gas suppliers since Gazprom fully honors its commitments. The EU has threatened Russia and threatened turn other suppliers because they didn’t want to be tied to Russian gas? Come on, USA! Where is all that fracking gas you were going to supply Europe? What about you, Israel? Qatar? Norway? Others?

2. Maybe Russian gas is not so evil after all, hmm?

Germany’s federal networks regulator BNA said earlier this week that it would decide no later than January 8, 2022, whether it will certify Nord Stream 2 and issue an operating license for the natural gas pipeline.

Source: – Nord Stream 2 Comes Just As European Gas Prices Reach 13-Year High

~~ Europe is out of gas and Germany’s federal regulator is waiting until January. That makes sense. ~~

3. ~~ Obviously “some people” in the EU are not too concerned. ~~

4. European bureaucrats banned coal, of which Europe has massive quantities, and went to gas and solar power. But then they fought Russia for 20+ years to keep them from building Nord Stream 2 and South Stream gas pipelines. And now facing a gas shortage, naturally, they blame Russia…

5. Just blame Russia. It works every time…

6. Ridiculous that they bring up spot market to blame Russia, then arguing that spot market has no bearing on EU…

7. Asia outbid Europe for spot supplies of US natural gas…

8. Go figure, must be Russia’s fault…

9. Maybe if the US and Europe would quit sanctioning, doing everything they can to destroy the Russian economy and trying to change the government in Russia, more gas would flow. Why should Russia kowtow to Western energy demands after the way they have been treated by them? Eventually, supplies of gas and oil will decline and those who hold the biggest reserves will have the others at a disadvantage. We should have been moving closer to Russia, separating them from China instead of driving them into Chinese arms. Short sighted thinking…

10. It’s an obvious ploy by EU to demonize RU. But…I have seen no one provide a concrete answer as to why EU supplies are so tight. Could it be that Georgie and cabal are driving up prices. Same as US. Prices going up. Is it world wide hyperinflation? Anyone have any info?

11. And unless I’m mistaken, Nord Stream 1 is only allowed to pump at 50% capacity due to “monopoly” EU regulations. Now does that make sense?

12. Of course Russia doesn’t want to send gas through pipelines that traverse Ukraine. They are tired of the gas being stolen. If it was your business? Would you use a thief as your stability in business?

13. There’s nothing stopping the Europeans from ordering, and paying for, more gas for delivery. Why expect the Russians to transport it and store it out of good faith when the euros haven’t contracted to buy it? And have treated Russia very very bad over many years…

14. Gazprom can do whatever it wants…

15. Gazprom unquestionably fulfilled all their delivery obligations.

16. It is the undelivered LNG from US and other suppliers in the world the EU is short of…Not Gazprom’s fault that the US put the middle finger to the EU, because price for LNG in Asia is better…

17. Definably not Russia’s fault NS2 was completed a year behind schedule….look at the sanctions and follow the trail…

18. I think you will find that Russia is fulfilling all of its contracts. US meddling in Ukraine (Hunter/Burisma/Big Guy’s 10%), and US sanctions to delay and stop the new pipeline… The Ukrainians don’t pay on time for their gas, and steal it when it suits them. The German route avoids expensive transfer fees on an ageing pipeline. All the Germans need to do is certify the pipeline and the problem is solved…

19. Added this below in update:

Someone should have told Ukraine, “Never bite the hands that feed you!”

20. This just highlights the ineptitude of the European Parliament. Perhaps they should investigate unplanned outages at Norway’s Troll Gas Field, one of Europe’s largest. European gas prices surged on Monday, lifted by an unplanned outage at the Troll field offshore Norway and strengthening LNG prices in Asia. The month-ahead TTF and NBP contracts recorded gains of 4.3% and 5.7% respectively on Monday, with both markers remaining in the USD 12/MMBtu range. The rally was pinned on an unplanned outage at the giant Troll field offshore Norway, with flows from Norway to Europe averaging 275 MMcm/d on Monday – significantly lower than the 309 MMcm/d averaged on Friday, according to EnergyScan. Source:

21. So lets see: The EU only allows Gazprom to utilize 50% of pipeline capacity that it owns. Nord Stream 2 is bogged down in certification until someone wakes up and Russia is actually fulfilling all its contracts…

22. The obvious solution appears to be for Europe to buy more Russian gas. It is apparently very late topping up its stock this year: What has it been doing since April? maybe waiting for twice as expensive fracking gas to come over on 1,000,000 new built carriers? Oops…

23. All the geopolitical speculation is 100% hypocritical and disingenuous…

That is enough to allow anyone to gets some facts…


PS: Updated a few things…

This is another for information, for future issues article at TRV… (Electric Company in Ryazan Area ignoring rotted power pole and falling home.)

we are trying to keep our power pole from falling and tearing a huge hole in our roof of our village home. The power company is not interested, being that it is their power pole on their right of way, kinda does not make sense to me. Yet, it is an issue that will hurt us in the end…

So….the home that is rotting with live wires attached and these wires are directly in a line pulling against our system, has half collapsed and is about ready to fall completely. This also does not even stress enough about the fire hazard that will ensue due to live wires and a rotting dry home with twenty years of dried grass and weeds surrounding the home……

In Russia you try to get others to do their job, yet you always end up doing it for them…

Just looking around in my morning and evening walks around Russia…

So for the record:

Dear Power Company:

When the home (The home that has been mentioned and the power poles that have been mentioned in several emails sent to you prior. Along with images.) that is near our home falls? The ripped down live power lines will pull our pole down and tear a hole in the roof of our home. This will also start a fire and burn down the village. I would like to get the power wires cut to the falling home to stop what will be a very bad situation for everyone involved.

Sincerely Yours

Kyle and Sveta Keeton