Dilyana Gaytandzhieva Talks about Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia & that Russian Novichok

Impressive article below and if you care about the “Skripal Truth” read it. If you prefer “prefab (MSM) propaganda” then don’t read it…

New evidence has emerged of gross violations during the UK investigation into the alleged poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury on 4th March 2018. The new revelations put into question the main evidence that the Skripals were poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. Source: UK Defense ministry document reveals Skripals blood samples could have been manipulated – Dilyana.bg


Just added this site to my reading list as I search for truth in a world of fake manipulated truth…


In between rain and more rain at TRV…

For a month now the well has run and the TRV is flooded so bad at the pump station that no one can and or will get to it. I will go get water to wash clothes and dishes with this morning, yet I have to ask, “Who is going to pay for all this electricity that a huge 220 volt submersible pump is using for this month? & Why is the pump running 24 hours a day anyway?”

Stupid is as stupid does and don’t ask me to pay for all the waste…

I think I will go to the big village this morning and get a few supplies, like peanut butter….yummy yummy. Yes peanut butter is now common in Russia…

Years ago I talked about why not peanut butter in Russia…

Yes even the tiny villages have it now…

Besides it will rain all day tomorrow and driving out on our goat trails is no fun in the rain and storms…

I had an uneasy feeling every time I walked out the back door. There was not a rail and it just felt uneasy, for I am not as surefooted as I use to be. So, I built a rail and now the back door feels good. Took me two days with all the rain, but I got it done…

I know it is night time, yet my day starts at 3 a.m. and it is dark until late anymore…

Electric company came by yesterday, nice people and I was asked and gave them all the homes that I knew were occupied as of this moment (no use trying to wake no one around). People like to ignore the electric company. I guess it all falls into the same issue that we have a well running 24 hours a day and who wants to or who will pay. Hard job to catch the cheaters of the system. So many bypass meters and us payers pay for their stealing. Russians as so many in the world hope you never ask for payment and ignoring works into that equation….I think it stems mainly from Soviet Era…

Kinda falls into the same category of registering your village home so that you own it and when you loose it, “What Happened?”

If you gonna cheat, at least cheat smartly and not have ten wires illegally sprawled and hung loosely on the main power wires all over the outside of the home as so many do….they are starting to cut off the older spots that no one has paid for since many years now…

I like the, “What and why would an American want to live in a Tiny Russian Village?” look, I get all the time…

It’s actually happiness when I see it…

Gotta go….time to walk, get water and maybe take a few pictures…

Have a nice day!


Meng Wanzhou going home to China

According to court documents released earlier in the day, the chief financial officer of the Chinese tech giant had reached a deal with US authorities to resolve charges of conspiring to circumvent American sanctions against Iran. Wanzhou was arrested and held in Canada for several years due to the US accusations.Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou has pleaded not guilty to US charges of fraud and conspiracy as she virtually attended a hearing at a federal court in Brooklyn.

Source: Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou Pleads Not Guilty to Fraud, Conspiracy Charges After Reaching Deal With US – 24.09.2021, Sputnik International

Two and a half years of lies against her and she finally gets to go home. The West is trying to spin it as she admitted, yet she simply still says she is not guilty….but lets not remember why the USA did all this. I say below in my article…

USA Thy Ignorance Shines…

So the US had nothing and still has nothing, except egg on its face…

USA do not forget while you play stupid in the sandbox that China has a very long term memory…

I am glad she finally gets to go home…



Now China did their part…

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has announced that Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. who had been in custody in China, were flying back home. Beijing alleged the men were spies hunting for China’s state secrets. “About 12 minutes ago, the aircraft carrying Michael Kovrig and Micheal Spavor left Chinese airspace and they are on the way home,” Trudeau announced in a televised statement late on Friday.The announcement came hours after Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was released from Canadian custody after striking a deal with the US prosecution.

Source: Trudeau says two Canadian citizens accused of spying by Beijing boarded plane home, hours after Huawei executive’s release — RT World News

So Canada had to work out the deal to get their spies back. The USA put Canada in a bad situation…

Why thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment!

Oh No! – Criticizing the “Cancel Culture” makes you a racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic…

Me – Why thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment!


PS: Not much has changed in our world, but then again fairy tales never really change…

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away: Thou who whispered into the Kings ear is thou whom ruled the kingdom and thou hast rulings results were dramaturgically the same…

It has amazed me that in our modern times, a single expression on social media can destroy a life so thoroughly…