TRV and Oh My they are draining the lake, winter has come…

The sound of a babbling brook is constantly in the air…

That is what it sounds like all day and night as the lake is slowly drained to get all the Carp out…

Time flies way too fast…

Oh and I figured out how to fix my laptop and we have ordered the part….good ole Intel junk Wi-Fi card 9462 model and now we will install a better model. Slightly older yet has a much better track record for reliability…

It is always something and most always a peripheral that causes the issue. The issues with the Intel 9462 card are abundant within the world wide web and it just makes sense to put in a better card. Cheap card and cheap results…

Just have to wait until my SweetPea gets to the village to fix the issue…

The wifi gods dislike me this morning in TRV

Best computer I have ever had and very fixable to say the least…

Maibenben Laptops (XiaoMai 6Pro-E5100)

Issue is strictly an Intel issue and not the laptop build quality itself. Okay well maybe, they could have used a better Wi-Fi card to begin with, but the motherboard has its narrow specifics in its demand of usage…


And here we go again with more lies about Russia…

Yesterday I wrote this article below…

Lets beat two dead horses (squirrels) until they are glue at the factory…

Now today in what is always the normal pattern of ignorance from the USA…

WASHINGTON, September 22. /TASS/. US House Rules Committee passed an amendment to the defense budget, which recommend the US administration to consider imposing sanctions against 35 Russian citizens, including Russian ministers, major businessmen, public figures and journalists.

Source: US House committee recommends imposing sanctions against key Russian officials – World – TASS

The list includes Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova, First Deputy Administration head Sergey Kiriyenko, Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, Russian National Guard Director Viktor Zolotov, Federal Security Agency Director Alexander Bortnikov, Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin, St. Petersburg governor Alexander Beglov, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov, Oleg Deripaska, Gennady Timchenko, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, VTB CEO Andrey Kostin, VEB CEO Igor Shuvalov, RT Chief Editor Margarita Simonyan, journalist Vladimir Solovyov and Channel 1 CEO Konstantin Ernst…

I know what to do!

Just sanction all the people in Russia and get it over with…

Everyone/everything from the bears to the president….Include me in that please…


Social responsibility for corporation and stakeholders

You may notice even in the West (mostly Europe) they are talking about social responsibility for corporation and stakeholders (not shareholders) capitalism or inclusive capitalism. Whether they mean it is a different matter. What China tells its capitalists is that you are allowed to make money but you also have social responsibilities. Providing public goods is not just the responsibilities of the government. Entrepreneurs can only thrive if the environment the operate in is secure and stable. The maintenance of a safe and secure environment is a public goods…


How the SCO just flipped the world order

The two defining moments of the historic 20th anniversary Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan had to come from the keynote speeches of – who else – the leaders of the Russia-China strategic partnership.Xi Jinping: “Today we will launch procedures to admit Iran as a full member of the SCO.”Vladimir Putin: “I would like to highlight the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed today between the SCO Secretariat and the Eurasian Economic Commission. It is clearly designed to further Russia’s idea of establishing a Greater Eurasia Partnership covering the SCO, the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union), ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and China’s Belt and Road initiative (BRI).”In short, over the weekend, Iran was enshrined in its rightful, prime Eurasian role, and all Eurasian integration paths converged toward a new global geopolitical – and geoeconomic – paradigm, with a sonic boom bound to echo for the rest of the century.

Source: Eurasia takes shape: How the SCO just flipped the world order

Lets beat two dead horses (squirrels) until they are glue at the factory…

Leave these dead horses/squirrels alone Britain…

What amazing timing for these tidbits of squirrely news to come out….and I am sure sanctions will be imposed very soon again and again…

1st: Police said Sergey Fedotov (a Russian), real name Denis Sergeev, also tried to assassinate former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, his daughter Yulia and police officer Nick Bailey.

2nd: Russia has been ordered to pay £105,000 in damages to Alexander Litvinenko’s widow after European judges ruled Russia is responsible for his 2006 murder.

Russia did it! Russia Russia Russia Russia…

Now would they like to answer?

“Where oh where have and or what has happened to the Skripal Dynamic Dual?”

~~ More powerful that a Novichok Poisoning. ~~


At least we believe, according to what we are told that Alexander Litvinenko is at least six feet under the ground….but how far under the ground are the Dynamic Dual?

Look! A Squirrel….over there….no over there under that tree….no the other tree….not that one, the other tree and no not that squirrel….the other squirrel…

Gosh, darn it, and heck, that other tree and that other damn squirrel…


Lets beat two dead horses squirrels until they are glue at the factory…