~~ New Zealand Covid-19 Serious crimes ~~

NZ police have made a bizarre arrest after a pair of alleged gang associates were caught trying to enter Auckland with a boot full of KFC chicken and tens of thousands of dollars.The men were charged with breaching the country’s tough Covid-19 rules.Under Auckland’s strict Level 4 lockdown, all restaurants, including take-away services, remain closed.

Source: New Zealand Covid: Men caught smuggling KFC into lockdown-hit Auckland – BBC News

~~ Gang Bangers smuggling KFC, it is a clown world. How can they allow KFC to continue distributing their contraband with impunity? ~~

~~ I guess the police were hungry? With the price of fast food? The $100,000 would barely be enough money to buy all that KFC on the hood! ~~

Yes it is a King Covid Clown World…

Mommy….whens the KFC coming? I am hungry…


Interesting thought in the Tiny Russian Village on English Music…

I play the radio (95 FM) as I work many times, yes I know that is not interesting….yet, what is interesting is that in the Tiny Russian Village so far away from civilization, the main station plays nothing but English music om FM. Music from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s mainly. I know literally every song and enjoy the music for the most part…

I really enjoy Russian music, yet I cannot get any out where I live. Well, unless I use internet radio and or static embraced AM and then I can listen to Russian music. Hmm…

It just seems interesting to me that I can be so isolated and so far from things and yet, everyday, I listen to American English music as I work and it is crystal clear…


Lost our beautiful Maple tree yesterday in TRV…

I have spent two years trying to save the tree and this year it had come into its glory. It was a very beautiful and round ball of a huge tree. It had turned a golden hue for fall and then Old Man Winter blew his icy breath and twisted it right off half way down the tree. Twisted it off below all the work I did at the Y of the tree and just like that….tree is gone….a huge empty spot….both in my heart and the yard…

Made me sad…

I was working inside, for it was raining like crazy and the wind was blowing to beat the band….then I heard a very loud sound, like a gunshot in the backyard. Sadness overtook me as I investigated. The rain blew in sheets across my eyes and as I wiped the rain out of them, I saw what made the noise. The whole top of the Maple tree was sitting exactly where Sammy normally parks. I had decided the day before to move her due to all the work I am doing on the pit to work under the car easier with. So instead of Sammy the Volga parked there, the top of the Maple tree was parked there and Sammy would have been smashed if she had still been there…

So, I grabbed the pruning saw and endured the rainy windy storm and cut it up in silence. Then dragged it all off & out of the yard and felt sad the whole time….

Yet, as I finished and left the trunk that still stands ten feet high, I realized that the sap has run back to the ground and next spring, she will sprout suckers from the trunk and I can try to mold a new tree from the remains…

Therefore, when the weather changes soon, I will trim the top of the trunk and seal the top against the winter weather. That way there is a chance to continue a life a bit longer and give me my shade for my bench back…

Just part of life!



Russian Election for the government… (2021)

It is what I expected:

United Russia Party slowly loosing ground to the Communist party. I have talked about it and know about it. It is as predicted….Putin long ago disaffiliated his presidents office and himself from any party. Putin is an independent and that is not realized by very many people. He does not affiliate and for good reason with any particular messed up party. He does not need to and independent is the best…

The United Russia Party has sunk slowly and they have done it to themselves, yet the Communist Party has never gotten its act together and play games instead of trying to be a real political power. With this years introduction to a bunch of new parties that have garnered more power in the Duma of Russia….we are seeing some good changes happening…

Putin does not care about that end of it and he uses what he is given to work with. So far the United Russia party has held on, yet if they continue the same rut they have fallen into, they will loose the majority in the future. That is the way it should be…

I have never made qualms about who my SweetPea votes for. She is for a Communist Party and also she is happy with Putin as most Russian are. Being happy with Putin is not the same as being happy with the government of Russia…

Natural selection is the best way for weeding out the rift raft and the United Russia Party has been faltering on its own merits…

I suspect that a Communist party that gets a strong leader and gets its act together can put a huge hurt upon United Russia during the next election….Okay, getting its act together is a huge issue and the main leader right now is a bigger huge issue…

I have talked about this same issue many years ago (in 2011 ten years ago, I wrote the below article) and it is holding true to what I have been saying all these years…

In Russia the Communist Party Seems to be Growing Again…


Well you can skin a cat in more than one way (Wi-Fi issues and thoughts…)

That old saying is my normality in the Tiny Russian Village. You just have to be adaptable and make things work…

So, since my motherboard decided that it disliked the built in Wi-Fi card….which I have verified and then did a workaround….not a driver issue and not a smartphone hotspot issue, has now become a tethering connection correction and everything works even better now. This is why I am not a fan of motherboards with builtin everything. But, you can skin a cat in more than one way…

The Wi-Fi gods are grouchy and yet the Tethering gods are a happy bunch right now…

I have to say that the western NGO’s have been working overtime this Russian election and should be removed permanently…

I despise when countries speak out of one mouth and then speak out of another mouth. The US is famous for its double standards…

According to Piskarev, Western corporations and NGOs attempted to affect the outcome of the elections in Russia.

“It was a well-planned campaign to spread hints and impose certain electoral preferences upon Russians,” the lawmaker added.

In his words, foreign non-governmental organizations were spreading fake reports about the electoral process in the country.

Source: Duma commission suggests deeming over 20 foreign NGOs ‘undesirable’ — chair – Russian Politics & Diplomacy – TASS

The propaganda was run amok on all media. The problem is that it is so blatantly obvious…

US is Interfering in Russian Elections, True…

Yes there has been a whole bunch of interference from outside of Russia. The money has been flying and western propaganda is in the gutter…

I spoke of the inching upwards rise of the Communist power in Russia:

Lets Go Communist! Lets Go! As the Wests Roots For the Communist…

Not there yet but, as I have said, the idea of going back to communism is growing and the West has no one to blame but themselves in Russia. The west promotes and propagandizes the idea constantly in the media in Russia (as if that will make the western mindset all warm and fuzzy toward Russia). Besides, Svetochka would be happy if the communist came back into power. That is how she always votes, as does her mother…

I watch and listen…

Cold and rainy:

Gonna rain all week in the Tiny Russian Village…

Got Coffee ☑ Got good books ☑ Got lots of food ☑ Got all the hatches battened down ☑ , so all is good…

The leaves are raining off the trees after the freeze…

Oops winter showed up…


You thought this post was about skinning cats? For real!