Well you can skin a cat in more than one way (Wi-Fi issues and thoughts…)

That old saying is my normality in the Tiny Russian Village. You just have to be adaptable and make things work…

So, since my motherboard decided that it disliked the built in Wi-Fi card….which I have verified and then did a workaround….not a driver issue and not a smartphone hotspot issue, has now become a tethering connection correction and everything works even better now. This is why I am not a fan of motherboards with builtin everything. But, you can skin a cat in more than one way…

The Wi-Fi gods are grouchy and yet the Tethering gods are a happy bunch right now…

I have to say that the western NGO’s have been working overtime this Russian election and should be removed permanently…

I despise when countries speak out of one mouth and then speak out of another mouth. The US is famous for its double standards…

According to Piskarev, Western corporations and NGOs attempted to affect the outcome of the elections in Russia.

“It was a well-planned campaign to spread hints and impose certain electoral preferences upon Russians,” the lawmaker added.

In his words, foreign non-governmental organizations were spreading fake reports about the electoral process in the country.

Source: Duma commission suggests deeming over 20 foreign NGOs ‘undesirable’ — chair – Russian Politics & Diplomacy – TASS

The propaganda was run amok on all media. The problem is that it is so blatantly obvious…

US is Interfering in Russian Elections, True…

Yes there has been a whole bunch of interference from outside of Russia. The money has been flying and western propaganda is in the gutter…

I spoke of the inching upwards rise of the Communist power in Russia:

Lets Go Communist! Lets Go! As the Wests Roots For the Communist…

Not there yet but, as I have said, the idea of going back to communism is growing and the West has no one to blame but themselves in Russia. The west promotes and propagandizes the idea constantly in the media in Russia (as if that will make the western mindset all warm and fuzzy toward Russia). Besides, Svetochka would be happy if the communist came back into power. That is how she always votes, as does her mother…

I watch and listen…

Cold and rainy:

Gonna rain all week in the Tiny Russian Village…

Got Coffee ☑ Got good books ☑ Got lots of food ☑ Got all the hatches battened down ☑ , so all is good…

The leaves are raining off the trees after the freeze…

Oops winter showed up…


You thought this post was about skinning cats? For real!


The wifi gods dislike me this morning in TRV

Up at 2:30 a.m. and turned on the computer, start my coffee and started the internet…

That is when it started….my wifi card in the computer said goodbye and there went the morning ritual. Very important for grouchy bears to have a morning ritual and the wifi gods decided to mess up my day…

Yet, I have an ancient Dell computer with a terrible form of Linux on it (which I will remedy later today) and it works well enough to allow me to post on WtR…

Yet again, coffee is good, cheap and plentiful. The air outside is crisp, clear and fresh. What more do I want at this very second? Well….I wish my sweet pea was here with me!

We have one last thing to get fixed better on Sammy the Volga: The speedometer pickup unit was not exactly the correct unit and Ivan our guy who works on Sammy has finally gotten the correct unit. So today, I go to the Big Village and he will install the new part. I hope it works good?

Froze this morning and now the leaves will fall off the trees like a rain…

Have a nice day!


Oops we did it again…

So on August 30th, 2021 I happened to mention that the USA intentionally killed some people in Afghanistan. This is nothing new for the USA, yet in this case it was glaringly obvious that we did it to try some crash control as things went way out of hand as the USA farted around and chaos assumed in Afghanistan…

And just like that, Afghanistan has terrorists under every bed again…

WASHINGTON, Sept 17 (Reuters) – A drone strike in Kabul last month killed as many as 10 civilians, including seven children, the U.S. military said on Friday, apologizing for what it called a “tragic mistake”.

Oops we did it again…

Except this time we did it so blatantly stupid that no one could put Humpty Dumpty back together again…

This morning I stop to think awhile about all these years I have complained about all the bombings that my country does and then how many innocent people have died. The US just kills endlessly…

Now take a moment and wonder when does all this killing in other countries by the US come home to roost, within the USA?

We have not made any friends over all these years and payback is hell, no matter how long they wait to pay it all back…


Better get your paperwork in order at the Tiny Russian Village…

Or the monastery will get its original land back sooner than later…

I watched them survey the whole back of the village yesterday…


At this point the church has over two-thirds of the top of the village…

Just walking and seeing what is happening at The Tiny Russian Village (TRV).