US is Interfering in Russian Elections, True…

I see it myself as you are on the internet. Google is being a real ass-wipe about what they send people in Russia on search results. The advertisements on companies like Mail.RU and many more are and is appalling…

“As you know, the patience of the Russian side, which has so far refrained from erecting barriers to American business in Russia, is not unlimited”, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said during her briefing.

Source: Russia Threatens to Take Measures Against US Over Interference in Elections, Foreign Ministry Says – 16.09.2021, Sputnik International


This is the normality of what the USA does constantly against countries like Russia, who allow freedom of advertising and media. The LGBT propaganda is horrendous at times on some sites. These same sites are into election propaganda full force also…

I do believe that if the US had a border with Russia they would do like South Korea and toss propaganda flyers over that border…

Sick countries like the USA need to fix themselves first!


The balloting process will span across three days – September 17, 18, and 19

Source: Polling stations open in Moscow time zone – Russian Politics & Diplomacy – TASS

Russian officials are waiting for an answer after presenting the American ambassador with a dossier on purported examples of US attempts to interfere in the country’s upcoming elections, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, the top diplomat claimed that the evidence was compelling, and had been presented to Ambassador John Sullivan, who was summoned for a meeting on Friday. “The evidence was given to him,” Lavrov said. “It is quite serious, really. We are still waiting for an answer from our American colleagues why this is happening.”

Source: Russia demands answers from US ambassador over ‘election interference,’ as Moscow says it has proof of ‘serious’ sabotage efforts — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Neologism is needed before we replace normalcy…

A new term must be coined: Neologism **

For the progressives and liberals of the not so distant past are rolling in their graves at the injustices being laid in their names. All they fought for is being systematically destroyed in a manner akin to slaughtering the all the lambs to feed only one. We need a new name, a new coinage of a term to lay upon this new mental disease that like a virus is taking over our world…

Power comes in many forms and those in power use what was and what could be to create and mold their agendas. Nothing is sacred and nothing is safe from their use. All are used and used against their will. They believe that they have the righteous path, yet they are not able to believe that their path is not their own. Manipulation is one of the oldest issues, even daughters manipulated their dad in the Bible….

Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”

Source: Genesis 19:30-38 NIV – Lot and His Daughters – Lot and his two – Bible Gateway

This self-centered aspect of life (The daughters reasoning is a fallacy, for men were plentiful in nearby Zoar and they obviously could escape when they desired.) is far from new and looks to be far from over as we trudge through our lives in 2020….yet the passage of the bible above is very nanoscopic in scale to what we are being ordained with now! Nowadays, Lots Daughter’s are conservatives and acceptable…

A new term must be coined“, for the newest addition to society in our mental state of our planet earth. For even the ancient would be appalled at what we now perceive as normality to many….we need an original term to describe the situation. Not steal old terms to politicize the new…

Enough of that. My thoughts wandered for a minute as I laid the groundwork for the bases of my thoughts below…

Tread carefully for they watch with bated social breath:

The regurgitated Empire of the West has been taking up arms against those who do not follow their footsteps for more than 100 years. Before that the British Empire desired the same. Albeit several trillions upon untold trillions of wasted dollars have been misdirected on this insanity of a ghost campaign, numerous lunatic U.S. preservationists actually boister about their observance of the “Socialist Devils” and even “Marxists” of the past, dominating their spot in life today. We are in 2021, harking back to the 1950’s! When McCarthyism ruled the USA…

In the West, “Majority Rules System” is an exterior, a facade so to say. Force rests with the top 1% – tycoons, corporate vultures, war profiteers, media nobles. Savage addictive intangible processes are utilized to keep most of us in a bondage within a box of invisibility: Ignorance, Fear, Hatred, Cynicism. It’s not socialism, communism and whatnot’s that has pulverized us mentally and physically as a society: It’s a manufactured “commie-fear” utilized time and time again against the masses to keep them peeking out from under their sheets as they fear the “commie under the bed”…

Brought up in the Cold War ’50s and ’60s, I considered by social pressure that “socialists” (better known as communist) to be Devils. At that point, in the last part of the ’70s, I found Radio Moscow (by the archaic shortwave). They didn’t accommodate my generalization that I had been taught of the world around me. As my psyche opened, I found that there is more than one approach to take a gander at history, and I had encountered a Soviet Scholarly Society, that was being dramatized as demons by the west…

Another wandering of my thoughts:

I found in my extensive schooling, professors who had ways of telling you truths and not get caught up in the system in place. I found discussions and facts about a world beyond the normality being presented to us daily. I had a professor who taught history; He said,

“I teach you what they tell me to teach you. My job is reliant upon that fact. I expect you to read between the lines and think for yourself; for history is written by the ones in power at that very moment!”

He never said anymore and he taught us with understanding that we are new books and must be allowed to write our stories ourselves. He gave facts and ideas how to find and write our book. He never tried to influence us with his power over us, as so many professors try to do…

Years later in my life, I visited Russia the “Socialist Mordor”:

And found the most joyful period of my complicated life – the pride and excellence of the urban areas, the glow and benevolence of the individuals, the commitment to culture and harmony! I would not like to leave & I will not leave under my own will. So this was the socialism/communism that we Americans were completely expected to Fear and Hate? This is what we looked to nuke and annihilate? This is what we wanted destroyed and all the while these intellectual demons, the Soviets, looked upon us and wondered as to why we hated them so much?

Question: How can two separated people by a vast ocean, yet so alike in more ways than one, be so far apart in philosophy and mentality?

Numerous in the “West” still portray Russia as still under “Soviet Demons” and thus they are all devil macabre. Yet, the same number of individuals who ventured out to Russia for the World Cup in modern times discovered, by the warm greetings and the great time they had, that there were no demons from Soviet past, just demons of a modern Russia, not unlike what they found regularly at home. Demons that need to be battled and subdued at the base of the issue. I view Russia as a Bastion of the European old world saturated with incredible and changed societies over an immense country. Vladimir Putin and Sergey Lavrov are the most extraordinary legislators on the planet today, a little moderate power never hurt any country, whereas a lack of power and or a uncontrolled power has brought many great Empires to its knees…

Tidbit of a thought on my question above: Why does a white race hate another white race, when so many other pressures against whites are presented by other races? You would think that consolidation, while still unacceptable in its implications to the world, would be the obvious choice to survival of the whites. Within a” dog eat dog” world; As us whites proclaim this world is and must be protected against…

For lack of a better term and or explanation for the new devils on earth:

“New Progressiveness & New Liberalness” is such a philosophical medication for some, a habit, where the nonconformists to the perceived normality of the masses, must have more, more….much more, like that shot of whiskey, that needle full of heroin….They can’t stop, they must have their new crutch each day. They are dependent on contempt and decimation of all that they characterize as shrewd, and won’t be fulfilled until everything restricted by their thoughts alone, is bent to their philosophy. They wanton a wrecked society and a “liberal supreme heaven” set up in its place…

A that being said above, they would after scouring the planet of their perceived abnormality, begin to betray one another and rape the individuals they fought with, who are just moderately woken, no longer useful as pawns and yet still survived and live among them. They would never see the implications of last man standing? Their illness is truly is a vicious cycle for everyone!

There isn’t anything judicious in this, It is a mental vortex of damaging nonsensical processes, which doesn’t give up in the individuals who have fallen into the pit. This is an absolutist mental endless loop, where the characters of those tainted by radicalism can’t exist in a balanced society and crave that chaotic state of affairs. They must have all, even more than all, their way or the highway. Be that highway has only one, does not comprehend to them…

Since it’s anything but a character of stable solid life, yet emboldens a character of perpetual the demolition of “evil”, and that personality elements can’t be stopped because what I desire is all that counts, similarly all “sharks” should constantly swim, on the off chance that they need to inhale and remain alive. They can’t stop or they cease to exist….thus the extreme unadulterated liberal. must constantly turmoil its surroundings or die…in the end as with sharks, there would only be one shark left after the carnage…

The New Liberal & Progressive Wokeness (weakness) is a political program that utilizes disarray of qualities and individuals to disconnect and debilitate them: two individuals occupied with a veritable fellowship and relationship with an objective for their day to day routines and their youngsters’ lives are a solid stable existence (Whereas we call a family in the past.): they as a family are feared for they have a strengthened viewpoint. That makes them toughened to the lies of society and the legislators and along these lines empowers protection from abuse in all forms…

Henceforth one approach to take power is to break this quantitative (family, friends) with variant sex speculations and cancellation of marriage and family…

If our world is to become this new Awoke? What is it called? We need something original. I am tired of words that were wonderful to be used as agendas to farther the changes; as a small example of the twist of our words, catfish was really a fish, clouds are in the sky, a fag was a cigarette butt, gay was a happy feeling to be, rainbows are natural & beautiful, handles were on cups, sandboxes are for children, trolls were cool – there are many many more terms used to farther agendas and destroy the past meaning. Why not create new words?

Yes we need a new term coined for the disease that has infected our world….before someone calls it, “Normality!”


PS: Neologism: a newly coined word or expression. **

Oops winter showed up…

Well last night I had to go into winter mode:

Long underwear, heavy wool pants, two long sleeve shirts, wool socks, boots and coats out of storage. Looks like it will freeze this weekend?

Summer so short, Fall got lost and Old Man Winter woke up. Go back to bed you old geezer…

I know!

Two hours of Lullaby for the Old Man Winter to go back to sleep with…

Hush little baby don’t you cry…


Good way to read Western propaganda…

~ Bad Putin and Bad Russian Bear! ~

When reading a title that says “Western media claimed or claims …”, only reading these 3 words or so are enough for me to understand the whole content of the article, it becomes a really handy super speedy reading trick…

Things like, “An anonymous source…”, “It has been assumed…”, “There are good sources…”, “We believe…”, “The White House says…”, “We understand…”, and so on and so on and so on….all fit the category of, “You can bet something stupid will be said and a whooper of a lie is being told.” & “We can also look you in the eyes and tell that lie (so you know it is true)!”

Another is to look at the author first….that will tell you worlds about what is in the contents of the article…

Better yet stop reading western media completely and life is better…


Saudi Arabia, Russia are up to something and the US is not happy…

I have been watching this non-fanfare event going on. Russia has been silently working with Saudi Arabia…

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia on Monday signed an agreement aimed at developing military cooperation with Russia.The Kingdom’s Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman announced the agreement, which he signed alongside his Russian counterpart Colonel General Alexander Fomin.Prince Khalid arrived in Russia on Monday to attend the International Military-Technical Forum (ARMY 2021). The minister also met Sergey Shoygu, the Russian defense minister, and discussed ways to improve military cooperation between the two nations.

Source: Saudi Arabia, Russia ink deal aimed at developing military cooperation

Then a few days later:

The United States has removed its most advanced missile defence systems from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks amid ongoing cross-border attacks levied by Yemen’s Houthi movement, The Associated Press has reported.

Source: US removes advanced missile defence systems from Saudi air base: Report | Middle East Eye

Actually since the USA systems really do not work, this is a good thing, but that is not why they were removed. Sometimes children take their toys and leave mad…

I will just keep watching….for I suspect soon we will see Saudi Arabia dealing with Russia and China in their own currencies and besides, didn’t we just have some nasty incrimination going on also?

The document (PDF report here) released on Saturday is from 2016, when the now-closed FBI investigation into Saudi links to the terror attacks was still active. Families of 9/11 victims have asked multiple administrations for its release, expecting it to provide proof implicating the Saudi government or Saudi officials. Riyadh denied any connection to the plot. the FBI has released the first of the 9/11 documents declassified pursuant to President Biden’s Sep 3, 2021 executive order: — Katie Benner (@ktbenner) September 12, 2021The heavily redacted 16-page document outlines ties between Saudi associates, some of the 9/11 hijackers and various people sympathetic to the Al-Qaeda cause. It didn’t provide the smoking gun that some critics of the Saudi government hoped for, but offered more details about the connections.

Source: Declassified FBI 9/11 memo ‘puts to bed any doubts about Saudi complicity’ says group of victims’ families — RT USA News

Hmm….lets watch and see what happens!