Russia is advancing forward and is intelligent about it…

Russia has made smart changes economically due to sanctions, before sanctions Russia was growing at 4% and flying along, then America illegally imposed sanctions over falsification of facts. Now we see Russia with a debt to GDP ratio of around 12% (USA 107%, UK 85% and Italy 133%), Russia has bought more Gold than any country for the past 3 years and is now the 3rd largest Gold producer in the world, Russia has around $400bn in foreign exchange (USA $115bn), Russia is the world’s largest wheat producer and exporter, Russia has the largest natural resources on the planet, Oil and Gas galore, Russia controls 9 oilfields in Venezuela (to prevent Venezuela defaulting on Russian loans). Russia has rebuilt it’s military on 10% of the USA defense budget, seen success in Syria and introduced many new pieces of equipment too, refined tactics in an operational theater of war, intensified the use of Intelligence Services overseas, Russia is now very close to Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Venezuela, India, China, Syria etc. The “BRICS GROUP” is seen as very attractive and other countries want to join the group, they see power and growth among the group, both militarily and financially. Far from being isolated, we see Turkey and Saudi Arabia buying the S-400 anti-missile systems, Saudi also agreeing a deal to manufacture Kalashnikov Rifles and Kornet anti-tank missile systems inside the Kingdom, so NATO allies are buying Russian weapons. Under sanctions Russia will grow at 2% in 2017. This is from a low debt and very mineral rich country!

Then we have a debt heavy western country, leading the charge off the cliff…. Lets hope that the followers stop before they leap like lemmings…

America has totally lost the trust of Iran and North Korea (I know you don’t care,) we have lost the respect and trust of China and Russia (Now you should care,) we have fully alienated Pakistan, Turkey and perhaps even Saudi Arabia and we are driving everyone into China’s and Russia’s arms. We have exhausted the patience of America’s fair-weather puppets in the EU and East Asian ally area and we have undoubtedly lost control over our own administration and country. The EU has now woke to the fact that the sanctions have been to destroy the Euro, not Russia…

The only danger alerting the world right now, seems to be if America is still powerful enough to do something truly dangerous to the world, but too weak and ill-informed to actually understand what they are doing…. There is a bunch of talk going on behind closed doors all over the world and America is the subject…

And that my friend is the real issue. Not Russia, not the EU, not Iran, not China, not North Korea and not all the propaganda boogeymen under the bed, but it is the USA, who is the issue that is at hand. The USA is flagrantly violating everything from international law, international morals around the world and international financial expectations are being slandered by America daily…

The wind is blowing and it is blowing Eastward…

Russia: As The Winds (Petrodollar) Do Change!