- Sveta found new shoes to be wild with…
- Our stove/oven died life is good…
- Elk park it is called
- Goats rule in Russia…
- Handicapped and getting around…
- Babushkas take pictures too…
- Goats everywhere…
- Hello
- Lets pet the goats
- Time for pictures
- Yes it is quiet here…
- Now come the horses…
- Beautiful
- Sveta’s bike
Korolov is about 200,000 people. It is located just outside of Moscow, but is actually a small area of the whole mess called Moscow Region… Moscow has about 15,000,000 people, including immigrants who are never counted…. The day time during the week is more like 20,000,000 people as they all pour into Moscow from the Moscow region which has around 8,000,000 people in it total. Much of the work force of Moscow is fluctuating everyday. The people come and work the week, then leave to go home the weekends…
Sveta rides her bike safely around Korolov all the time. Korolov is a very safe city, just like 99% of all of Russia is safe. Women do not have to fear the men here… (I would say it is more like the men fear the women….especially the babushkas.)
Kids love goats in Russia. The goat is an extremely important animal. It supplies milk and such. They all know what goats are for a typical Russian kids spends a third of his life in a dacha and or a village…
Just a fact day. Enjoy the images, Svetochka loves to take pictures and she loves to see her images on WtR…
By the way! This is the country and people you are suppose to hate…