Sarai (Big Village) is being slaughtered right now by Coronavirus (King Covid-19)

Обращение главного врача ГБУ РО “Сараевская МБ” Павла Шейдорова к жителям Сараевского района.

(Appeal of the chief physician of the State Budgetary Institution of Regional Development “Saraevskaya MB” Pavel Sheidorov to the inhabitants of the Saraevsky district.)

Sveta sent me this video link and a note with it…

The chief physician of the Sarai hospital told about difficult situation with Coronavirus in Sarai area a lot of people sick, a lot of kids, a lot of bad cases, what they are sending to Ryazan.

He asked people to use masks and keep social distance and come and get the vaccine.

Yesterday I tried to get to the Big Village and cops are everywhere and stopping everyone. People were in almost a panic mode and the town was basically closed. I decided after being stopped twice by police, that it was better to just go to The Tiny Russian Village and be smart and safe…

People got very lackadaisical about King Covid-19 and he slapped them down…

So I will mow grass…