Slogan change, “For Real Men” Gillette…
I laughed out loud today….I could not help it….Gillette has changed their slogan in Russia…
The signs all over Globus say, “For Real Men” and Gillette has put a huge display up trying to recover all they have lost by telling men real men to buy Gillette…
- 464 rubles for 5
- 69 rubles for 5
The Russian razor is better and last longer than the junk Gillette razor. Just compare the price alone. Why would anyone buy five razors for 464 rubles when you can buy a better razor for 69 rubles a pack?
Then it really hit me…
That big sign that said, “The Best Men Can Be” has now been replaced with, “For Real men”….LOL…
I was looking at a section that had all men products in it and all Gillette. Every single item was labeled For Real Men and some said on the packages, “Only for Real Men!”
“Oh My!” – Stay away women. For Men Only… 😉 ~ ~
To top it off the prices, have been discounted 25% and they still are outrageous. Me along with five other guys looking at razors this morning, were buying anything but Gillette razors and you smile all the way to the bank…
Well since I am a real man and I have real man feelings about how companies treat men, women, children and what knots….The world is big enough to treat men like men, women like women and so on and so on….The world should have enough sense to understand that men and woman are different and the second you attack one over the other, you have issues…
I grabbed the 69 ruble razors and politely told Gillette to take their over priced trash and shove it…
I am having a good day, you are welcome Gillette…
Gillette Russia
I mean it
Ouch Gillette
Yippy Gillette
I will never buy another Gillette product again, in my life and I hope Gillette goes under as a brand name…