I have watched over the years about how much money the West is pouring into Ukraine…
In 2010 I wrote: One thing that stood out to me was the political undertones from the American Embassy in Ukraine that infiltrated into the Ukraine Governmental section. America is and has been buying the Ukraine government for some time now. Biden just bought and paid for Ukraine’s help to rearm Georgia. That is a No – No and should be stopped. American politics need to stay out of Ukraine or any other country for that matter…
Pickpocket: We All Think That It Will Never Happen To Us! (Part 3 – American Embassy Experience)
and in 2014 I re-verified it…
USA: Yes we interfered in Ukraine! But it is Russia’s Fault…
The West has been pouring billions and billions and billions and billions and again billions of dollars into Ukraine and it is all being stolen by Ukrainian and American politicians…