~~ I am sure it is true and you must believe, because? ~~
Canadian and Mexican News Agencies – CNMA: Due to the buildup of US forces within the state of Texas and the state of North Dakota, USA. The world should withhold the exportation of gas, oil and block all financial means including SWIFT to the USA. Harsh measures will be required until Biden and or whomsoever is the presidential flavor of this month at the USA Oval Office in DC, promises not to attack Mexico and Canada, of course they would have to first withdraw all of their military forces from Texas and North Dakota. Once the USA forces have been sufficiently moved far enough to satisfy the known and unknown world? Then maybe we will allow the USA to stay on SWIFT? Maybe?
Mexico and Canada have given official statements to the UN as to the fact that the USA has intentionally cut them off from each other and they would be appreciative other countries to help them get a connection roadway between the two countries. The USA refuses to allow free passage of goods and people to and from Canada and Mexico through the US lands!
But the USA vetoed the UN mandate that Canada and Mexico presented and then presented their own mandate against Russia…
The USA has given specific information as to why they are not getting ready to attack Canada and Mexico. They are simply getting ready for, “The Russian Invasion of North America” and gave this image as proof…
Russia is amassing weapons at Moscow (yet we are unsure if that is Moscow, USA or Moscow, Russia)…
- Moscow, USA…
- Moscow, Russia…
And we (USA) must be proactive and not reactive. If a few innocent countries (Mexico and Canada) get worried about why we are building up forces on their borders? as we quote the unknown observer…
An official unknown observer said, “We (USA) feel that they would rather be occupied by us (USA) than Russia anyway, so why not????”
In other news….the UN is in heated discussion as the the validity of the USA statement that Canada and Mexico would rather be occupied by the USA over the occupation by
Soviet Union Russia. This is a serious accusation and the CCCP Russia is being asked why they are amassing troops at the “RED SQUARE” in Moscow!
“Would you like to know more?”
~~ I am sure it is true and you must believe, because? ~~