Thoughts, Thinking’s and a Cup of Coffee in Russia…

I feel sorry for people in America and other parts of the Western Empire, that really think that they live in the land of the free and all that bull! It really hit home today as I tried to seriously see what you have as normal information in the Western world media. Guess what? You have a bunch of crap for news and it is geared toward keeping your brain occupied, not informed…

So lets talk about somethings that have been blown out of proportion and blown out of proportion on purpose: Secret Service scandal prostitute pictured for first time and or Breivik resumes ‘gruesome’ attacks testimony in Oslo

So you don’t care about Syria being railroaded by the West to the path of destruction and you don’t care about Libya is in a civil war started by the Western Empire and is still being torn apart day by day. You don’t care that Iran is being treated wrongly and the same to North Korea.I also know that many of you just tuned out because Iran and North Korea was just mentioned and we all know that they are demon countries that need to be destroyed. So why listen to a pro-Iran and pro-NK article? Heaven forbid this blog is pro-Russia as it is and that is enough to send me to hell in a hand basket according to many people…

But I would like to know why you care about the fact that guys did what guys do every time they run around a foreign country and that we must hang on and listen to every word that a depraved psychotic killer of minors has to say, every time he opens his mouth. Why do we care about these secrete service men and why do we care about Breivik? I will tell you why because they are smoke and mirrors and they cover up what is really happening…

We print nothing but lies about Syria and we have seriously pushed the number of dead in Syria to over 10,000 and we make that 10,000 seem to be all innocents people. The truth is that terrorists are killing the most people in Syria and America supports these terrorists. We also totally ignore the fact that Libya is in a full scale civil war and Russia is working overtime trying to get things back under control there. The same old story happened in Libya that they are trying to do in Syria- The West screwed it up and walked away after they got what they wanted and now it is the same as in Iraq. Ignore, ignore, ignore and ignore some more. How do you explain the fact that we are supplying the Syrian terrorists with money and weapons?

So as I watch people on social media and news sites in America and it is really sad to see what seems to be the best face forward that America presents to the world. If America is what the Internet is presenting of her to the world, then we are a sorry bunch of sap suckers in the USA…

America’s ignorance of the world extends into the world wide web. They truly do not think anyone is out there, but themselves. I have to admit that at times it looks like Americans and Britain’s are the only one on the web, because they seem to be the ones that are the most vocal about the world in the web…

I know better because I have 20 websites that give me statistics and while America may be number one many times on many sites, they are not the only ones and my sites have hits from all over the world. In fact right here on Windows to Russia. The top three are China, Russia and USA in that order. But the hate and crappy comments come 99% from the USA and that can be hundreds of comments a week at times. I have 3300 articles + and that can be a lot of crappy comments to deal with at times. The truth is that it is only about 1 out of 10 comments that is worth really reading. The rest of the comments are propaganda instigated by special government groups to cause issues on websites and ruin their commenter base…

Lets step back to our secrete service guys: Do you think for one second that these guys have never done this before? Do you think for one second that we do not have American guys all over the world doing the same thing right now? So why the hell are you caring about the situation. Why don’t you care about Libya as much as you care about the sex life of a secrete service man. If you ask me, if the guys are married then that is who should care: HIS WIFE…

Then lets cross the ocean and talk about the mass murdering Breivik: Why do you care what a deranged individual says (He should just simply be locked up and toss the key away) and we have to print every word of the trial verbatim? Why do we have to create a cult following of this man?  From what I see he is starting to get a following in America now…

What amazes me is that we can get pictures and interviews with the prostitute that screamed fowl on the secrete service men, but we can’t verify one iota of information about a full scale war in Libya and 10,000 dead in Syria is always unconfirmed…

We have a mass murderer killing young people left and right and even have tons of witnesses and even videos of him doing it. Yet we treat him like he has rights and what he says is important…

I wish that we would demand that we treat Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, Russia, North Korea and  whole bunch more with the same level of truth gathering and wool gathering that we do on subjects that do not matter in this world…

We should care as much about Libya as we did about Tiger Woods and his escapades! But we do not and that is what makes the world a sick place to be…

You can say that you do not care about the lies and conceits that are being portrayed in the main stream media, because you know the difference between what is right and wrong. But you do believe what the media says, because you do not help put the media in its place when it falsifies stories and makes fake videos about war crimes in other countries. You are part of the problem and your complacency is the reason that it is allowed…

It is a age old issue in the world…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

PS: And I did not even talk about the fact that the West is dying in her own throes of monetary death and all who ignore it are going down with the ship. China and Japan using their currencies. India and China using their currencies, Iran and China using their currencies. Russia doing the same. The talk is going on right now between China and Saudi Arabia about excluding the dollar from their transactions. Don’t forget that Nixon was the one to get the petrol dollar going full steam in a deal with the Saudis…

The Western world is an Empire built on debt and debt is a poor foundation as it erodes very quickly…

The petrol dollar is on its death bed and you better watch the repercussions and yes, only you can do something about it…