UN Veto: The West is Really, Really and Really Upset at Russia and a little bit at China…

vetoThe Western media is in overdrive and the pedal to the metal! They are slamming Russia like no tomorrow and they have been lying triple time all day long, getting ready for this onslaught of media bull crap…

Anyone that believes the media war going on by the West is certified out in left field. That means lots of people are having lots of company in left field right now…

I have seen numbers of dead for just today in Syria range from 200 to 1000 by the main stream media. I have seen numbers of total dead (being tossed around like a leaf in the wind) of anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 and that number will grow. Just watch…

America is acting like Russia took the candy right out of its mouth and America is throwing one hell of a temper tantrum over the stolen candy…

I am flabbergasted at what I am seeing and all because Russia and China refuses to believe the Western lies…

Yes all the reports today on Syria and the Russian rallies were extremely fabricated and falsified. I expect the West to go in any day and blow the hell out of Syria as pissed as they are over the veto’s in the UN vote…

Russia and China both are giving warnings and from what I see in America, “Big War” is on the horizon…

Sick, strange and sad country that America is. We are the cause of what is happening in Syria and are even supplying arms to the al-Qaeda just like we did in Libya…

Just as you all are believing the propaganda you are being fed, by the Western Media…

Windows to Russia!

PS: Russia warned about the veto and the West refused to give on the Russian points in question…

Man – those war drums are loud tonight…