The recent increase this last year of Cyber Nasties out of the USA, this upon a huge issue, that only has grown daily for many past years. Has prompted me to get very very serious about severing all cyber ties with the west…
Contrary with western propaganda, the issue of cyber crimes issuing only from just the USA and the UK, outshine the rest of the world flatfooted. Yes I know that you will scream and whine about Russia, North Korea, China and several other demons that are trying to destroy your internet and cyber you into hell itself..except, you got it backwards…
It is us internet users in the East that is fighting against an unlimited and nasty cyber enemy of huge proportions within the western system itself…
My poor Sweetpea is working day and night to salvage her sites. She has a language site that teaches English from a Russian point of view, to the world and it has been destroyed. Right now it is even being moved to a new server and all files had to be scrubbed for malware…
We personally have endured over ten years of constant Cyber Attacks from the West…
Huge attacks, based out of GOV computers, computers located at military bases and multiples of GOV offices around the USA, UK and the Western World. Even hospitals located within the USA have banks of computers that are being used to attack our and many other websites in the East…
So should I care that the Collective West sees my website?
Not really, for it is exactly what the west wants. They are severing the ties with the real world and they want to keep their people all living in a fantasy land of mental midgets…