Heaven to me…
I woke at 3 a.m. and even though I was in pain, from the whole night of thunderstorms and rain. I was happy! Next to me was my sweety and under her side of the bed was Boza. He would not even walk with me, as I stretched out the painful arthritis joints and started a new day…
I walked almost a kilometer to the pump house to start the pump and on the way, I dropped the fill hoses down inside the wells. In about a half of an hour, I will walk back to the top pump house and check the wells on the way. By the way, they call their cisterns a well, and that is that. I use the same word as they do and it is translated into a well. They are not wells, but who cares. The well is up top near the woods. The well pumps water to the holding cisterns and so thus in a Russian mindset; all are wells and well that is as well as can be…
I did not fill the upper well and feel bad about ignoring that one, there are people up there also and they deserve water. Correct? Yes, I thought so…
* * * * * * * * * *
It rained all night and is a perfect morning. So cool, so wet and so wonderful for all growing plants. Svetochka and I have to go to the Big Village today and stock up on supplies. We waited an extra day because it was and did turn out much cooler. Today will be only around 20 degrees and that will make life heaven instead of hell in the village. The last three days have been smouldering hot for us poor Russian type folks, but as par for Russia, the wind from the north carries relief and desirable weather. Life goes on as before…
The wind is blowing, it is cool, Boza sleeping, Svetochka sleeping and I am at peace with the world…
That is simply heaven…
* * * * * * * * * *
For the last few days Svetochka has worked on some websites for me. I like to call her my IT expert and in reality she is an IT expert. Svetochka is one of those special people that is even above an intellect in normality. She does not see it, but I do. Sveta is extremely intelligent and so far in 10 years, I have found nothing related to math and computers that she is not capable of doing. I mean literally, if she can not find a program to do what she wants, she writes it herself. From scratch! My son is this same way and her son is the same way… Then there is me! The big bear that is a “Jack of All Trades!”
It works perfect for her and I; she is the brains and I am the brawn… Kinda like heaven for this grouchy bear…
* * * * * * * * * *
- Pump station
- Water
- Our T-rose
Wanna know what heaven is?
I just told you…