Good coffee by the way!
I don’t call myself a Republican and or even most of the time an Independent anymore. I never called myself a Democrat (Yet in the past Democrats looked conservative compared to nowadays!) and from what they (D) have become….I never will…
I see that the Democrats are exactly as bad as I saw them years ago, but everything that I tried to claim that made me a sometimes Republican – sometimes Independent has been tossed aside, burned, buried, and lied into oblivion…
I was a republican among a family of teachers and all teachers I knew were democrats or made to be democrats by force. Threats were common to my parents about who they could vote for and who they could not. I remember it well as a kid and listen to my dad, upset at who and what he was told to vote for. They had meetings at school and they were given instructions on telling the whole family who to vote for and how many friends they had to talk to about voting the way the establishment said to…
So my reasons are legit as to why I felt Democrats are crooks, cheats and liars. Now I have to face the fact that both parties are the same and exactly the same. All except for the icing on the cake…
So my reasons are legit as to why Republicans are crooks, cheats and liars. I still have to face, just like you do, that both parties are exactly the same, All except for the icing on the cake…
My reasons are legit as to why an Independent is akin to? Well nothing and actually “nothing and nobody” is higher up the ladder politically than an Independent in US politics…
Being a Republican and or a Democrat sucks, much less trying to be stigmatized Independent…
We Americans seriously need a real starting over. A start over of all of and completely of, the political system in the USA…
We cannot leave even a tidbit of the old system. The system is that corrupt!
The world looks at us like a laughing stock and we go along with it. We are the leaders (~SARC~) of the free world and act like a bunch of third grade boys who found out that firecrackers are good to blow up frogs with and a BB gun can kill birds in the tees nearby…
Why can we not lead with dignity, truth, fairness and compassion? Why do we look the other way? Why are we so silent? Why can we not just grow up?
Freedom in the US is a joke; as is liberty, expression, life and democracy. It is all a facade that seems to be tailored made to appease the masses and unless we get off our duffs, our duffs are going to be penned to the wall as trophies for the hunters…
Or are we there already…
If you call yourself a democrat, then you are as much of the problem as a self-proclaimed republican. If you call yourself free, then you are the problem. If you say you have rights, you are the problem. If you do not demand real outside the government investigations into things, you are the problem. If you say that you see nothing wrong, you are the problem. If you ignore the chaos, then you are the problem. If you desire governmental help, you are the problem. If you do not stand up for the neighbors, you are the problem. If you… and on and on and on…
The system will work if we keep all fingers out of the pie…
Whose fingers are in the pie? & Why are these pie snatchers not brought to heel?
How many cookies did you snatch as a child, if when you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar, you got in trouble! Politicians make a living stealing from our cookie jars….and we don’t even scold them…. If the politicians are not stealing cookies? Then the corporations are stealing the cookies and then even as you watch, the neighbor is stealing your cookies as you sigh and just want peace and quiet….all the while our government is giving “cookies” away to other countries all over the world…
Politicians use to get lynched! Horse thief’s hung! Times have changed, yet drastic measures are being called for, as we swirl down the drain of ignorance…
Lynched? Hung? Oh My! Yet we allow our administration in the USA to kill with unhindered motives and means all over the world, in countries that never did a damn thing to us…
So I suspect that a bit of “Lynching and Hanging” on the home front is not that drastic of a measure in all reality…
We would do it in a heart beat across the pond, if we thought we would get more pie and cookies!
All the while; we are silent in, at and among our homes, travel and work. Silent as scared mice, as a cat watches the front door…