Well we have succeeded…

Coffee-iconThe USA has officially succeeded in pissing off China and Russia both. Our president has been set to a level of respect less than just about any country around in the world now. Everyday we walk a straight line to war and war is just about all that is left, that we seem to be able to do and that is questionable!

Change the end results by trying to cover it all up and by laughing it off, but a snafu is a snafu and it just so happened that Putin had no issues, as did the others that appeared at the G20! China may have had some internal conflicts going on, but the animosity showed and showed clearly….Those animosities are what cause the end result to become violent…

I also say, “An arrogant man is a weak man.” This can be changed a little bit, “An arrogant country is a weak country.”

Obama is lucky, the loathe that came out in the situation, could have been exponential and no one could have stopped it. When a president of a country that has terrorized the world to the extent America has (take it or leave it, but step across the border and live a few years, walk with the peasants, you will see,) trouble is never far behind in a retaliatory way. This is a very bad thing and if it keeps up! The American president will become unable to travel the world freely, by means of non-safety…

Everyday in the real world and if you live in America, or the USA as some people vehemently correct you when you say, “America,” has worked itself into a situation of disrespect, caused by flagrant violations in international situations and by (In simple terms!) being a bully against the world. Strong arm tactics only carry the message so far. If you have to use coherence to get what you want? Then you have failed somewhere down the line of progression to the end goal…

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The sides are forming and the fence riders are starting to come down from the fence. The more pressure that is pushed for reasons of insanity, as the USA has been doing lately and the more countries realize that they are next, in the Geopolitical games of the world. China stepped down and it now shows. China has firmly planted itself with Russia and Iran. Soon and sooner than you think, the division line between east and west will be drawn on a map. That line will become the war sector if allowed to be. The west is indebted to the east and has no way to pay it back, short of default and or war….Either way sucks and will shake the world to a new start. I see both default and war as the end result…

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I wish that we would just admit we are broke and file the world equivalent of bankruptcy. Start over, clean the slate, suck it up and swallow or pride. When you cause your own issues and don not want to pay your debt owed, then we have a saying…

“Pay the piper!” ….There is a proverb, “He who pays the piper calls the tune!” This simply means that anyone who provides money for any reason, has the right to express what, how and when it can be spent, used, and no why is necessary!

Or we could look at it this way, as we contemplate what we are doing…

Pied Piper

Time to “Pay The Piper” people… One way or the other! People lose their homes all the time and their car is repossessed all the time, when they do not pay their bills. Some pay their bills by borrowing and hoping for a reprieve, as their money tree grows in the backyard!

Have a nice day!