I decided to sit back and watch America (The Land of Chaos,) and finish the soap opera that is running right now. This really is a historic moment…. In may ways, we are about to make or break the status of the USA in the worlds eyes. Well! Actually we have already destroyed our status as the good
guy, but we have a chance to redeem ourselves in the mess we see. We could get at least try to get the OK guy status back….
You know? The status that says we will not try to change your government and destroy your country status…
I voted for Trump! It was a simple vote. I voted for Trump in the hopes that all the HELL America has been spreading against the world, would be turning inward on to itself, as it eats its own leg off…
Sorry people in America, but we all are tuned in and watching our favorite soap opera…
As Chaos and Coup Turn…
{I have reached a point of not caring anymore! Just leave the rest of the world alone America, and chew your own leg off at the knee!}